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  • Brain Injury Community of Connecticut | ABI RESOURCES

    ABI Resources stands at the forefront of exceptional service delivery for individuals recuperating from brain injury, stroke, and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Our team of seasoned professionals embodies expertise and dedication, offering invaluable guidance and support to empower clients to thrive and recover within the comfort of their own homes. With a solid reputation for excellence and fostering lasting relationships, ABI Resources is unwaveringly committed to facilitating client goal attainment, nurturing a sense of community and belonging, and promoting a fulfilling life experience. Our comprehensive range of services encompasses home-based supported living services, Connecticut community care, the MFP program, and the ABI waiver program, extending our reach to clients throughout the state of Connecticut. ​ In collaboration with esteemed organizations such as DSS, DMHAS, WWP, CCC, CCCI, SWCAA, WCAAA, Allied, Yale, UConn, Gaylord, and HFSC, ABI Resources delivers optimal care to individuals. Our dedication to cultivating an inclusive and nurturing community for clients is well-recognized, as we provide numerous team-building activities, social events, and volunteer opportunities that encourage engagement and connection. By fostering camaraderie, social integration, and a sense of belonging, clients not only recover from their injuries but also enrich their lives through lasting friendships and connections . ​ ABI Resources prides itself on building enduring relationships with clients and providing a multidisciplinary approach to care, guided by a team of brain injury recovery professionals committed to helping clients attain independence. By working closely with clients to identify their unique needs and aspirations, we develop tailored plans encompassing support in physical and occupational therapy, education, and vocational training to facilitate goal achievement. ​ Our exceptional team of compassionate healthcare professionals, driven by dedication and unwavering commitment, form the backbone of ABI Resources. We believe that by prioritizing our employees and investing in their professional growth, we can establish a culture of excellence that benefits all. We also recognize the significance of personalized care plans, tailored to each client's needs and objectives, to yield better outcomes and a more positive experience for everyone involved. ​ In addition to our client-focused approach, we extend support and resources to families of clients, which plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal care. Our commitment to providing high-quality, individualized care to clients while valuing and nurturing our employees is the foundation of our success. By fostering a culture of excellence, we endeavor to become a company respected not only for the quality of care we deliver but also for the way we treat our clients and employees. ​ At ABI Resources, we acknowledge that valuing both clients and employees is paramount to delivering the highest standard of care and service. We understand that our employees' dedication and commitment are integral to providing the level of care our clients deserve. Concurrently, we recognize that our clients are the reason for our existence, and their well-being remains our top priority. We are committed to creating an environment where clients feel comfortable, respected, and receive unparalleled care. We strive to establish a culture of excellence, where both clients and employees feel valued and respected, ultimately leading to superior care outcomes and a positive overall experience. By remaining steadfast in our commitment to delivering exceptional care and treating our employees with respect and fairness, we can create a nurturing environment that benefits everyone involved. ​

  • ABI RESOURCES | CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver | Connecticut Waiver Facts

    Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources 1/3 Connecticut Waiver Factsheet ​ CT ABI Waiver II (1085.R01.00) Provides ABI group day, adult day health, homemaker, personal care, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, ABI recovery assistant II, ABI recovery assistant, assistive technology, chore, cognitive behavioral programs, community living support services (CLSS), companion, consultation services, environmental accessibility modifications, home delivered meals, independent living skills training, personal emergency response systems (PERS), substance abuse programs, transportation, vehicle modification services for individual with brain injury ages 18 – no max age ​ ​ CT Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Waiver I (0302.R05.00) Provides homemaker, pre-vocational service, respite, supported employment, ABI group day, assistive technology, chore, cognitive behavioral programs, community living support services (CLSS), companion, environmental accessibility adaptation, home-delivered meals, independent living skills training, personal emergency response systems (PERS), substance abuse programs, transitional living services, transportation, and vehicle modification services for individuals with brain injury ages 18 - no max age. CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver (0437.R03.00) Provides adult day health, blended supports, group day supports, group supported employment, live-in caregiver (42 CFR §441.303(f)(8)), prevocational services, respite, independent support broker, assisted living, assistive technology, behavioral support services, community companion homes (CCH), community living arrangements (CLA), companion supports aka as adult companion, continuous residential supports, customized employment supports, environmental modifications, health care coordination, individual directed goods and services, individual supported employment, individualized day supports, individualized home supports, interpreter, nutrition, parenting support, peer support, personal emergency response system (PERS), personal support, remote supports service, senior supports, shared living, specialized medical equipment and supplies, training, counseling and support services for unpaid caregivers, transitional employment services, transportation, vehicle modifications for individuals developmental disabilities 18 yrs - no max age and individuals with intellectual disabilities 3 yrs - no max age ​ CT Employment and Day Supports (0881.R02.00) Provides adult day health, blended supports, group day supports aka community based day support options, individual supported employment, prevocational services, respite, independent support broker, peer support, assistive technology, behavioral support services, customized employment supports, environmental modifications, group supported employment, individual direct goods and services, individualized day support, interpreter, personal emergency response system (PERS), remote supports services, specialized medical equipment and supplies, training, counseling and support services for unpaid caregivers, transitional employment services, transportation, and vehicle modifications for individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 - no max age and individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 3 - no max age. ​ ​ CT HCBS for Elders (0140.R07.00) Provides adult day health, care management, homemaker, personal care assistant, respite, adult family living, assisted living, assistive technology, bill payer, care transitions, chore, chronic disease self-management program, companion, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, mental health counseling, PERS, recovery assistant, transportation for aged individuals ages 65 - no max age ​ ​ CT Home and Community Supports Waiver for Persons with Autism (0993.R01.00) Provides live in companion, respite, assistive technology, clinical behavioral support services, community mentor, individual goods and services, interpreter, job coaching, life skills coach, non-medical transportation, personal emergency response system, social skills group, and specialized driving assessment for individuals with autism ages 3 – no max age. ​ ​ CT Individual and Family Support Waiver (0426.R03.00) Provides adult day health, blended supports, community companion homes, group day supports, individual supported employment, live-in companion, prevocational services, respite, independent support broker, assistive technology, behavioral support services, companion supports aka adult companion, continuous residential supports, customized employment supports, environmental modifications, group supported employment, health care coordination, individualized day supports, individualized home supports, individually directed goods and services, interpreter, nutrition, parenting support, peer support, personal emergency response system (PERS), personal support, remote supports services, senior supports, shared living, specialized medical equipment and supplies, training, counseling and support services for unpaid caregivers, transitional employment services, transportation, and vehicle modifications for individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 – no max age, and individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 3 – no max age. ​ ​ CT Katie Beckett Waiver (4110.R08.00) Provides case management to individuals with physical disabilities ages 0-22 ​ ​ CT Mental Health Waiver (0653.R03.00) Provides adult day health, community support program, supported employment, assisted living, assistive technology, brief episode stabilization, chore services, home accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, interpreter, mental health counseling, non-medical transportation, overnight recovery assistant, peer supports, personal emergency response systems, recovery assistant, specialized medical equipment, and transitional case management for individuals with mental illness ages 22 to no max age . ​ CT Personal Care Assistance (0301.R05.00) Provides adult day health, agency-based personal care assistant, care management, meals on wheels, adult family living, mental health counseling, personal emergency response system (PERS) for individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64. ​ ​ ​


    Creative Brain Injury Awareness Multimedia Projects ABI Resources works with multiple organizations, including DSS, DMHAS, WWP, CCC, CCCI, SWCAA, WCAAA, Allied, Yale, UConn, Gaylord, HFSC, and more to provide the best care for individuals. Connecticut home-based supported living, community care, and friendship.


    What is a Speech-Language Pathologist? ABI RESOURCES team members take directives from Speech-Language Pathologists. Speech-language pathologists, also called SLPs, are experts in communication. They work with the way that we communicate with the world, communicate internally and how we interpret communication. SLPs work with people of all ages, from babies to adults. SLPs treat many types of communication and swallowing challenges. These include challenges with: Cognitive-communication-how well our minds work. Problems may involve memory, attention, problem solving, organization, and other thinking skills. Speech sounds—how we say sounds and put sounds together into words. Other words for these challenges are articulation or phonological disorders, apraxia of speech, or dysarthria. Language—how well we understand what we hear or read and how we use words to tell others what we are thinking. In adults this challenge may be called aphasia. Literacy—how well we read and write. People with speech and language disorders may also have trouble reading, spelling, and writing. Social communication—how well we follow rules, like taking turns, how to talk to different people, or how close to stand to someone when talking. This is also called pragmatics. Voice—how our voices sound. We may sound hoarse, lose our voices easily, talk too loudly or through our noses, or be unable to make sounds. Fluency—also called stuttering, is how well speech flows. Feeding and swallowing—how well we suck, chew, and swallow food and liquid. A swallowing disorder may lead to poor nutrition, weight loss, and other health problems. This is also called dysphagia. ​ ​ ​ Connecticut Home Healthcare Services ​


    الصحة هي الثروة ممارسة وإصابة الدماغ ثبت أن ممارسة الرياضة لها عدد من الفوائد للأشخاص الذين يعانون من إصابات الدماغ، بما في ذلك: ​ تحسين الوظيفة البدنية: يمكن أن تساعد التمارين الرياضية على تحسين الوظيفة البدنية، مثل التوازن والتنسيق والحركة، والتي قد تتأثر بإصابات الدماغ. ​ تحسين الوظيفة الإدراكية: ثبت أن ممارسة التمارين الرياضية لها تأثير إيجابي على الوظائف الإدراكية، مثل الذاكرة والانتباه وحل المشكلات. ​ تحسين المزاج والصحة العقلية: يمكن أن تساعد التمارين الرياضية على تحسين المزاج وتقليل خطر الاكتئاب والقلق ومشاكل الصحة العقلية الأخرى لدى الأشخاص الذين يعانون من إصابات الدماغ. ​ تحسين نوعية الحياة: يمكن أن تساعد التمارين الرياضية على تحسين نوعية الحياة بشكل عام من خلال زيادة مستويات الطاقة، وتقليل التعب، وتحسين احترام الذات. ​ تحسين صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية: يمكن أن تساعد التمارين الرياضية على تحسين صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية عن طريق زيادة وظائف القلب والرئة، والتي قد تتأثر بإصابة الدماغ. من المهم ملاحظة أن التمارين يجب أن تكون مصممة خصيصًا لتلبية الاحتياجات والقدرات الفردية للشخص المصاب بإصابة في الدماغ. يوصى باستشارة أخصائي الرعاية الصحية أو المعالج الطبيعي لتحديد خطة التمرين المناسبة.

  • PCA Personal Care Assistant | Connecticut Employment | ABI RESOURCES

    CT PCA PERSONAL CARE CONNECTICUT ALLIED CT PCA PERSONAL CARE CONNECTICUT CT PCA PERSONAL CARE CONNECTICUT CT PCA PERSONAL CARE CONNECTICUT ALLIED 1/6 APPLY HERE The Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program provides personal care assistance (attendant) for adults aged 18 to 64 with chronic, severe, and permanent disabilities. This program allows the adult to remain at home instead of institutionalization (placement in a long-term care facility, nursing home, etc.). A personal care attendant (PCA) is hired to assist you in performing activities of daily living (ADLs) and staying at home. There is a waiting list for acceptance into this program. ​ Eligibility for PCA is a two-part process: Part 1: Functionally, you must need these services. Specifically, you must physically demonstrate that you need hands-on assistance in performing 3 of the seven core Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). These ADLs are outlined below: Bathing – need help bathing yourself properly? Dressing – need help getting dressed appropriately? Eating/Feeding – need help feeding yourself properly? (This does not mean making or preparing meals.) Toileting – need help going to/from the toilet and adequately cleaning yourself afterward? Transfer – need help safely transferring in and out of chairs/bed? Medication – need help preparing and taking your daily medicines? Behavioral – need daily supervision to keep from harming yourself or others? Part 2: Financially, you must have qualified for Medicaid by the time you receive services. You don’t have to be within the financial limits of Medicaid while on the waiting list for PCA (see below), but you must have applied and qualified for Medicaid by the time your name comes up on the waiting list. ​ Personal care assistants, also known as PCAs, are an important part of the healthcare industry. They provide in-home care for individuals who need help with daily living activities, such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation. PCAs work one-on-one with clients, helping them to maintain their independence and live as comfortably as possible. There are many personal care assistant jobs available across the country, and they can be a great career choice for those who are compassionate, patient, and dedicated to helping others. To become a personal care assistant, candidates must go through a thorough interview process and may be required to pass a drug screen. In conclusion, personal care assistants play an important role in the healthcare industry, providing in-home care for individuals who need help with daily living activities. Personal care assistant jobs are available across the country and can be a great career choice for those who are compassionate, patient, and dedicated to helping others. To become a personal care assistant, candidates must go through a thorough interview process, pass a drug screen, and submit a resume.

  • CT DSS | Norwich Office | ABI RESOURCES

    Connecticut Department of Social Services address. Norwich Field Office 401 West Thames Street Norwich, CT 06360 DSS Field Offices and staffed Benefits Center ( 1-855-626-6632 ) are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed Wednesday).​ Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources 1/13 Bridgeport Hartford Manchester Middletown New Britain New Haven Norwich Torrington Stamford Waterbury Willimantic MFP program ABI waiver program Healthcare services Financial assistance Eligibility criteria Benefit renewal process Service disruptions Medical aid Food support Cash assistance Apply for benefits Check eligibility MyAccount DSS benefits info Social services Public assistance programs Government benefits. ​ ABI RESOURCES CONNECTICUT CT DSS ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY ABI WAIVER AND MFP AGENCY PROVIDER. CT SUPPORTED LIVING AND COMMUNITY CARE LEADERS. BRAIN INJURY COMMUNITY OF CONNECTICUT BICC DISABILITY RIGHTS OF CONNECTICUT ADVOCATES ​

  • Understanding Companion Services

    Companion services Discover the essential guide to companion services for individuals with disabilities, including acquired brain injuries. Learn about personal care assistance, daily living support, and more. What Are Companion Services? Companion services, often referred to as personal care or personal assistance, provide crucial support to individuals with disabilities, including those living with acquired brain injuries (ABI). These services are designed to aid with daily activities, ensuring that individuals can maintain their independence and live comfortably within their homes or communities. Services Offered The range of services provided through companion services can vary, but typically includes: Dressing Assistance: Helping individuals choose and wear clothing appropriate for their needs. Grooming Assistance: Assisting with personal hygiene tasks such as brushing hair and oral care. Bathing Assistance: Providing support during bathing to ensure safety and cleanliness. Toileting Assistance: Helping with bathroom needs to maintain dignity and hygiene. Meal Preparation: Preparing nutritious meals to cater to dietary requirements and preferences. Light Housekeeping: Performing basic cleaning tasks to keep living spaces safe and tidy. Transportation: Assisting with transportation needs for medical appointments, shopping, or social activities. Who Provides Companion Services? Companion services are delivered by trained caregivers who may be employed by home care agencies or work independently. These caregivers are skilled in providing the necessary support while respecting the dignity and autonomy of the individuals they assist. Goals of Companion Services: The primary aim of companion services is to enable individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible. By offering assistance with daily activities, companion services help individuals: Maintain Independence: Allowing them to perform daily tasks with minimal assistance. Enhance Safety: Ensuring their living environment is safe and accessible. Promote Comfort: Making sure they feel comfortable and cared for in their own homes or communities. Why Choose Companion Services? Choosing companion services can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. These services provide personalized care tailored to individual needs, fostering a sense of independence and well-being. Companion services are an invaluable resource for individuals with disabilities, offering essential support that promotes independence, safety, and comfort. Whether provided by a home care agency or independent caregivers, these services play a vital role in enhancing the daily lives of those living with acquired brain injuries and other disabilities. APPLY



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