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  • Connecticut Waiver Facts | ABI RESOURCES

    Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources 1/3


    MAKE AN ONLINE REFERRAL Short-Term / Long-Term Home Care and Rehabilitation ​ STATEWIDE SERVICES HelpLine 1-860-942-0365 ​ Connect with a Certified Specialist who provides individual support and guidance for People, Family members, Caregivers, Educators, and Medical and Therapeutic professionals. نموذج الإحالة عبر الإنترنت


    الصحة هي الثروة ممارسة وإصابة الدماغ Exercise has been shown to have a number of benefits for people with brain injury, including: ​ Improved physical function: Exercise can help to improve physical function, such as balance, coordination, and mobility, which may be affected by brain injury. ​ Improved cognitive function: Exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. ​ Improved mood and mental health: Exercise can help to improve mood and reduce the risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues in people with brain injury. ​ Improved quality of life: Exercise can help to improve the overall quality of life by increasing energy levels, reducing fatigue, and improving self-esteem. ​ Improved cardiovascular health: Exercise can help to improve cardiovascular health by increasing heart and lung function, which may be affected by brain injury. It is important to note that exercise should be tailored to the individual needs and abilities of the person with brain injury. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist to determine an appropriate exercise plan.


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    CONSERVATORSHIP Often, the Probate Court will appoint a family member of the individual, or his or her close friend, as the conservator. Sometimes the court will appoint someone else, such as a lawyer. The court tries to determine whom the conserved person prefers but, if a conflict exists, may appoint an uninterested party. INVOLUNTARY ​ ​ ​ Any adult person may use this form to petition for the appointment of a conservator of an adult who is alleged to be incapable. A “conservator of the person” is appointed to supervise the personal affairs of a person whom the court finds to be unable to meet essential requirements for personal needs, even with appropriate assistance. These needs may include but are not limited to, the need for food, clothing, shelter, health care, and safety. A “conservator of the estate” is appointed to supervise the financial affairs of a person whom the court finds to be incapable of doing so to the extent that property will be wasted unless adequate property management is provided. This may include but is not limited to, actions to obtain and manage assets, income, and public assistance benefits. The petition may also request the appointment of a successor conservator. The person for whom the appointment of a conservatorship is being requested is referred to as the respondent. ​ VOLUNTARY ​ ​ Any adult person may use this form to petition the court to appoint a voluntary conservator of the person or estate to manage his or her personal or financial affairs, or both. A voluntary “conservator of the person” is appointed to supervise personal affairs, such as the need for food, clothing, shelter, health care, and safety. A voluntary “conservator of the estate” is appointed to supervise financial affairs. This may include but is not limited to, actions to obtain and manage assets, income, and public assistance benefits. The petition may also request the appointment of a successor conservator. ​ A conservator is a person appointed by the Probate Court to oversee the financial or personal affairs of an adult. In an involuntary conservatorship, a conservator is appointed only if the court determines that the individual is unable to care for him or herself, or unable to manage his or her financial affairs. In a voluntary conservatorship, the court appoints a conservator on the request of an adult who seeks assistance in managing his or her affairs, without making a finding that the individual is incapable. There are two kinds of conservators. A conservator of the person supervises personal affairs and ensures that the person's basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing and health care, are met. A conservator of the estate supervises financial affairs, including caring for property, managing bank accounts and ensuring the safe handling of the person's income. Conservators and people who are interested in being conservators can find more information by clicking on the link, Conservators. ​ المعلومات الواردة في هذا الموقع مقدمة لأغراض إعلامية فقط، ولا ينبغي تفسيرها على أنها نصيحة قانونية بشأن أي مسألة. المعلومات المقدمة في هذا الموقع ليست مشورة قانونية، ولا تشكل خدمة إحالة المحامي، ولا ينبغي تشكيل أي علاقة بين المحامي وموكله أو علاقة سرية عن طريق استخدام الموقع. إن دقة المحتوى أو اكتماله أو كفايته أو حداثته ليست مضمونة أو مضمونة. مواقعنا وخدماتنا ليست بديلاً عن مشورة أو خدمات المحامي. نوصيك باستشارة محامٍ أو غيره من المتخصصين المناسبين إذا كنت تريد مشورة قانونية أو تجارية أو ضريبية. نحن نسعى جاهدين للحفاظ على دقة المحتوى والمستندات الخاصة بنا وحداثتها وتحديثها. ومع ذلك، نظرًا لأن القانون يتغير بسرعة، لا يمكننا ضمان أن تكون جميع المعلومات الموجودة على الموقع والخدمات محدثة تمامًا. ويختلف القانون من ولاية قضائية إلى أخرى، وقد يخضع للتفسير من قبل محاكم مختلفة. القانون مسألة شخصية، ولا يمكن لأي معلومات عامة أو أداة قانونية مثل النوع الذي نقدمه أن تناسب كل الظروف. علاوة على ذلك، فإن المعلومات القانونية الواردة في الموقع والخدمات ليست مشورة قانونية ولا يمكن ضمان صحتها أو اكتمالها أو تحديثها. لذلك، إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مشورة قانونية بشأن مشكلتك المحددة، أو إذا كانت مشكلتك المحددة معقدة للغاية بحيث لا يمكن معالجتها بواسطة أدواتنا، فيجب عليك استشارة محامٍ مرخص في منطقتك. ليس المقصود من مواقعنا وخدماتنا إنشاء أي علاقة بين المحامي وموكله، واستخدامك لمواقعنا وخدماتنا لا ولن يؤدي بأي حال من الأحوال إلى إنشاء علاقة بين المحامي وموكله بينك وبيننا. نحن لسنا خدمة إحالة محامين والمواقع والخدمات والموارد والمعلومات الأخرى مخصصة للاستخدام الشخصي فقط. ​

  • ABI Waiver Program 1 or 2 ? CT Brain Injury Home Services

    Medicaid ABI WAIVER PROGRAM 1 or ABI WAIVER PROGRAM 2 ​ The majority of Connecticut ABI Waiver Programs are Waiver 1 . Connecticut developed the Waiver 2 Program to provide new services, and stopped new enrollment for the ABI Waiver 1 . People receiving the benefits of Waiver 1 have been grandfathered into all of the benefits of Waiver 1 . They may switch to Connecticut Waiver 2 if they wish, but most people are happy to have been grandfathered into their Waiver 1 Program services. The most common reason families wish for Waiver 1 is the role of their Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and Service Care Plans. ​ On Waiver 1 , Service Care Plans are created and dictated by their CBT Cognitive behavioral Therapist. CBTs assess the needs of the individual and create the Service Care Plans. They decide what services are needed and when they will be implemented. Service Hours like Companion and ILST are directed by the CBT. On Waiver 2 , Service Types and and Hours are assessed and directed by the Case Manager. ​ Which one do you need? What one are you currently on? What is the difference between Waiver 1 and Waiver 2? ​ ​ The ABI WAIVER PROGRAM was created to help people living with brain injuries recover and live outside of institutional settings. People living with brain injuries deserve to choose who they share time with and where they live. The program was created to protect the civil rights of people recovering. “ABI Waiver Program” The MEDICAID -Acquired Brain Injury Waiver Program ​ Call us and we will help you apply! 1-860-942-0365 We Provide State-Wide Services ​ The application is very easy! or Download, Print, and Fax to 860 942-8140 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD What services are available under the ABI waiver? There are 19 services available under the ABI waiver. Some services may not be accessed in conjunction with other services. Case management- assistance to the individual in implementing and coordinating all sources of support and services to the waiver participant. The Following is a list of ABI Waiver Program services; Chore Services- services needed to maintain the participant’s home in a sanitary and safe condition. ​ Cognitive/Behavioral Programs- individualized programs to decrease severe maladaptive behaviors that would jeopardize the participant’s ability to remain in the community. Community Living Support Services- supervised living in a community residential setting which provides up to 24 hour support services. Services may include medication management, self care, interpersonal skills, etc. Companion Services- non-medical care, supervision, and socialization services that have a therapeutic goal as noted in the participant’s services primary mode of transportation to avoid institutionalization.n. Environmental Accessibility Adaptations- physical adaptations to the participant’s home to ensure the participant’s health and safety, and to promote independence. Services may include ramp installation, bathroom modifications, doorway widening, etc. Family Training- training and counseling for individuals who live with or provide care to the waiver participant. Habilitation- services provided outside the participant’s home, to assist the participant with obtaining or enhancing adaptive, socialization, and self-help skills to live successfully in the community. Pre-Vocational Services- services designed to prepare the participant for employment when the participant is not expected to be able to work, or participate in a transitional work program, within 1 year. Supported Employment Services- Paid employment with intensive supports provided in a variety of settings, for participants unlikely to secure competitive employment. Homemaker Services- General household activities including meal preparation, vacuuming, etc. Home Delivered Meals- Meals delivered to the participant when the person responsible is unable to do so. Independent Living Skills Training- Services designed and delivered on an independent or a group basis to improve the participant’s ability to live independently in the community. Services may include training in self care, medication management, mobility, etc. Personal Care Assistance- Assistance with activities of daily living. These services may be provided by a family member of the participant if they meet the training requirements established by DSS. Personal Emergency Response Systems- Electronic Devices that enables individuals at a high risk for institutionalization to obtain help in an emergency. Respite Care- To provide short-term assistance to the participant if a caretaker is absent or in need of relief. Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies- As specified in the participant’s service plan that will enable the individual to perform activities of daily living. Substance Abuse Programs-Interventions to reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol or drugs by the participant. Transitional Living Services -Individualized, short-term, residential services providing up to 24 hour support provided only once in the participant’s lifetime. ​ Transportation-Mobility services offered after exhaustion of all other resources. Vehicle Modification Services ​ Call us and we will help you apply! 1-860 942-0365 ​ The application is very easy! or Download, Print, and Fax to 860 942-8140 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

  • Connecticut - PHYSIATRIST PM&R - Rehabiliation Recovery Doctor CT ABI RESOURCES

    What is a Physiatrist? ​ A Physiatrist is a very important part of a brain injury survivor’s recovery. ABI Resources team members are often directed by a Physiatrist. A Physiatrist is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) physician. They treat a wide variety of medical conditions affecting brain injury, muscles, nerves, bones, spinal cord, tendons, joints, and ligaments. Physiatrists often help to direct a recovering person's overall care plan. Physiatrists may prescribe medications and work as a bridge of care with other treatment professionals. They may write prescriptions for many specialties including but not limited to physical or occupational therapy and speech pathology. PM&R physicians are medical doctors who have completed Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) training. Many Physiatrist are certified in Brain Injury Medicine, Pain Medicine, Sports Medicine, Neuromuscular Medicine, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, and Spinal Cord Injury Medicine. Physiatrists may use tools that include; Nerve Stimulators, Blocks and Ablation procedures-Peripheral and Spinal Injections of joints Prolotherapy Spasticity Treatment (Phenol and Botulinum toxin injections, intrathecal baclofen pump trial and implants) Nerve and Muscle Biopsy Manual Medicine/Osteopathic Treatment Prosthetics and Orthotics Complementary-alternative medicine (i.e. acupuncture, etc.) Disability/impairment assessment Medicolegal consulting EMG/Nerve Conduction Ultrasound-guided procedures Fluoroscopy guided procedures Injections of spine Discography, Disc Decompression and Vertebroplasty Kyphoplasty A Physiatrist is a very important part of a brain injury survivor’s recovery. ​ ​ Connecticut Home Healthcare Services ​

  • Connecticut Schools - Special Education Support Program Services | ABI RESOURCES

    It is our mission to support the needs of people struggling and provide real solutions that promote happy and healthy life. ​ Helpline 860 942-0365 ​ ABI Resources’ Educational Support Program Services continues to guide the way for and with students, families, teachers and therapeutic professionals that may be struggling with behavioral health challenges. We help to identify, advocate and communicate the needs of the person, for the person, family and school. We work closely with the person, family, and teachers in addition to medical and therapeutic providers. The foundation of happy and successful childhood development is based on clear communication and the compassionate understanding of all involved


    الصحة النفسية ​ Disruptive, impulse control, and conduct What are disruptive, impulse control, and conduct disorders (DIC)? DICs are a group of disorders that all involve impulsive behaviors, or a lack of self-control. Some of these include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and intermittent explosive disorder. Acting before thinking - In psychology, impulsivity (or impulsiveness) is a tendency to act on a whim, displaying behavior characterized by little or no forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences. Obsessive and Compulsive Can not stop thinking about or talking about a subject -Obsessive-compulsive behaviors have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), and behaviors that drive them to do something over and over again (compulsions). Often the person carries out the behaviors to get rid of the obsessive thoughts. Social Anxiety Disorder Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. You could say social anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being negatively judged and evaluated by other people. It is a pervasive disorder and causes anxiety and fear in most all areas of a person's life. إطرابات إنفصامية الأسباب، الأعراض، التشخيص، العلاج، علم الأمراض الاضطرابات الانفصالية (DD) هي الحالات التي تنطوي على اضطرابات أو انهيار في الذاكرة أو الوعي أو الهوية أو الإدراك. يستخدم الأشخاص الذين يعانون من الاضطرابات الانفصامية الانفصال، كآلية دفاع، بشكل مرضي ولا إرادي. Insomnia Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Pathology Habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep. الاكتئاب رئيسي، بعد الولادة، غير نمطي، حزين، مستمر الاكتئاب هو اضطراب مزاجي يسبب الشعور المستمر بالحزن وفقدان الاهتمام. ويسمى أيضًا اضطراب الاكتئاب الشديد أو الاكتئاب السريري، وهو يؤثر على شعورك وتفكيرك وتصرفاتك ويمكن أن يؤدي إلى مجموعة متنوعة من المشكلات العاطفية والجسدية. ... قد يتطلب الاكتئاب علاجًا طويل الأمد. Panic disorder Panic attacks, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Pathology Panic Disorder. ... Panic attacks are accompanied by physical manifestations, such as heart palpitations, sweating, and dizziness as well as the fear of dying or becoming insane. Worry about having an attack may lead to additional anxiety and avoidance behaviors or to other problems in functioning. اضطراب القلق العام (GAD) الأسباب والأعراض والعلاج اضطراب القلق العام (GAD) هو أكثر بكثير من القلق الطبيعي الذي يعاني منه الأشخاص يومًا بعد يوم. وهو مرض مزمن ويعاني المصابون به من قلق وتوتر شديدين، دون استفزاز في كثير من الأحيان. يتضمن هذا الاضطراب توقع وقوع كارثة، وغالبًا ما يكون هناك قلق مفرط بشأن الصحة أو المال أو الأسرة أو العمل. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Pathology Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. اضطراب ثنائي القطب (الاكتئاب والهوس) الأسباب والأعراض والعلاج وعلم الأمراض كان الاضطراب ثنائي القطب يُسمى سابقًا بالاكتئاب الهوسي. إنه شكل من أشكال الاضطراب العاطفي الكبير، أو اضطراب المزاج، الذي يتم تحديده من خلال نوبات الهوس أو الهوس الخفيف (تغيرات من الحالة المزاجية الطبيعية للفرد مصحوبة بحالات طاقة عالية).

  • RECOVERY ASSISTANT RA ( APPLY HERE ) Connecticut Career Employment

    We are looking for the best of the best! Seeking self-driven, caring, and super-organized ILSTs. APPLY HERE ILST Independent Living Skills Trainers ​ An amazing opportunity to be a part of something much greater than ourselves, helping people become the best version of themselves. These positions are very pro-active, progressive and results driven. ​ Requirements: ​ One / Two years of health care experience. Experience administering behavioral treatment and care plans. Valid driver's license and car. Super time management and organizational consistency. Great Smart-Phone and Tablet skills Background Check and Drug Testing - Before Hire Dress Code adherence We require the Highest Standards of Care and Accountability. Experience helping people recover from: ​ Strokes Concussions ABI acquired brain injury TBI traumatic brain injury Tumer Within community settings Team members support people with: Safety Organization skills Medical and therapeutic rehab homework. Medication reminders Social entertainment Find meaningful employment Money management Social skills All categories and activities daily life. Information: ​ ​​ ​ EOE STATEMENT: We are an equal employment opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. ​ Purpose: Independent Living Skills Instructors provide necessary instruction to clients so as to assist them with maintaining their independence and safety in the community. Duties: 1. Prepare teaching material for Independent Living skills Training and Support Service sessions. 2. Schedule client session time and programming according to their Individual Service Plan and the training domains. 3. See individual clients in their home to train, teach and provide support in: money management, nutrition, cooking, comparison shopping, emergency procedures, community awareness, mobility, laundry procedures, household management, sex/public health education, medical procedures, counseling and crisis intervention, and housing. 4. Provide training in rations determined by current care plan, and in accordance with the least restrictive environment philosophy (1:1 staff: client ratio, unless otherwise specified). 5. Coordinate client training programs with other programs with which they are involved. 6. Complete daily activity report documenting direct hours spent with clients and submit to other Team Members such as supervisor(s) on the first day of the following month. 7. Keep client files up to date. 8. Assist client in coordinating with other programs, services and benefit systems, such as Social Security, AFDC, WIC, food stamps, counseling, etc. 9. Attend monthly staff meetings, and monthly individual meetings with Team Members. 10. Participate in Inter-Disciplinary Team meetings as requested. 11. Other Duties as assigned. ​ ​ ILST JOBS IN CT occupation profession trade position career work line of work livelihood post situation appointment métier craft vocation calling vacancy opening work living employment business vocation ​ ​ ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol 1/55


    قم بالإحالة عبر الإنترنت Short-Term / Long-Term Home Care and Rehabilitation ​ STATEWIDE SERVICES HelpLine 1-860-942-0365 ​ Connect with a Certified Specialist who provides individual support and guidance for People, Family members, Caregivers, Educators, and Medical and Therapeutic professionals. Referral Online Form


    START APPLICATION What is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) ? ​ A certified nursing assistant, or CNA, helps patients or clients with healthcare needs under the supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN) or a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Also known as a Nursing Assistant (NA) a Patient Care Assistant (PCA) or a State Tested Nurse Aid (STNA), the individual who carries this title needs a strong work ethic and ability, but issues of liability and legality prevent CNAs from performing certain procedures. Role of the CNA Your regular responsibilities as a nursing assistant will vary based on where you work or live. Nursing assistants can work in a wide variety of settings; nursing homes, hospitals, adult day care centers, personal homes and assisted living facilities all to require nursing assistants to act as a helpful liaison between the RN or LPN and the patient. In many cases, the nu rsing assistant serves as the RN’s or LPN’s eyes and ears, and relays information between many patients and one or two RNs. The nursing assistant fulfills basic quality-of-life needs for patients of any age, ethnicity or gender in residential nursing care facilities or outpatient clinics. Since nursing assistants have daily contact with patients, they are gatherers of vital information about the patient’s conditions, which they must then transmit to their supervisors. A CNA’s workload can become intense and fast-paced, but the human contact and ability to help those in medical need is a strong motivating factors. A desire to help people and compassion for patients can help a nurse’s assistant get through difficult days. CNAs and the Nursing Industry Because so many nurse’s aides want to move up into more involved medical careers, there is a high rate of turnover for CNA positions. This means it is fairly easy to find a job as a CNA, but many who start out in this career do not stay in it for life. The demand for CNAs is high, especially among those institutions that provide continuing care and assisted living for the elderly. Many healthcare facilities recognize the important role that a qualified and compassionate CNA can play in the quality of care offered. Additionally, a CNA can find support through organizations such as the National Association of Health Care Assistants. Part of the reason there is such high turnover in CNA jobs is that CNAs can relatively easily get the necessary education to become RNs. Taking classes online while continuing to work is easier than ever, and there are many associate’s degrees and bachelor’s degree programs that CNAs can use to get qualified for better-paying work in the medical industry. Careers Similar to Certified Nursing Assistant CNAs, orderlies, psychiatric aides, and medical assistants are often lumped into one large category, and though the positions share some duties, there are key differences. The following are brief descriptions of each, to help you understand those differences and decide which fits you best. Orderlies: An orderly is a hospital attendant charged with non-medical patient care and general maintenance of systematic operations. Orderlies do not need a degree or certificate, and their interactions with patients are limited to non-treatment activities. . Psychiatric Aides: This position is similar to a CNA, except for the work environment. Mental health wards and psychiatric hospitals have different routines than regular hospitals, and psychiatric aides have to be familiar with the unique privacy concerns and treatment needs of mental health patients. Medical Assistants: A medical assistant does not need a degree or certificate, and their main responsibilities are to help doctors and nurses with routine tasks. Medical assistants have less authority to participate in patient treatment than CNAs. Certified Nurse Assistants/Aides: CNAs can take vital signs and gather other patient data as well as administer basic care and tend to the hygiene needs of patients. Because of their state-approved training and certification, CNAs have more authority and tend to be paid better than medical assistants, though many of their duties are similar. Daily Responsibilities of CNAs ​ O-Net Online, a database linked to by The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), has detailed descriptions of the daily ups and downs of many jobs. Their description of a nursing or psychiatric aide’s daily duties includes: “Administer medications or treatments, such as catheterizations, suppositories, irrigations, enemas, massages, or douches, as directed by a physician or nurse.” “Clean and sanitize patient rooms, bathrooms, examination rooms, or other patient areas.” “Document or otherwise report observations of patient behavior, c omplaints, or physical symptoms to nurses.” “Apply clean dressings, slings, stockings, or support bandages, under the direction of a nurse or physician.” Clearly, the duties of a CNA are not glamorous, but the position is highly suited for people who are interested in helping to cure illness, mitigate misery, and generally add to the well-being of other people at the time they need it most. How do I become a nursing assistant? ​ To obtain a nursing assistant job, a CNA most often needs to hav e at least a high school diploma, or GED, and at least some form of post-secondary nursing instruction. This can be obtained from a variety of institutions, including online schools, community colleges, trade schools, and so on. Students are then usually required to pass an examination for their certification. While a degree is typically not required, it can help prepare students for their CNA responsibilities as well as help provide a path to career advancement later on. The following associate degrees in healthcare can help train students for nursing assistant positions: Education, Licensure, and Advancement Training to become a medical assistant or CNA is offered by the Red Cross, community colleges, online schools and through medical facilities and can take anywhere from four to six weeks. Some clinics will hire untrained and inexperienced workers and provide on-the-job training, but these opportunities may be hard to come by. Many schools offer training within medical facilities as part of their course programs as well. CNA training programs can cost several thousand dollars, but it is possible to get financial aid to help shoulder this burden. The federal government, the military, and even hospitals themselves offer financial assistance for students of all stripes. After completing training, you’ll need to take a competency exam that tests both your book knowledge and practical skills that were taught during training. Practice tests and study guides are freely available online, so studying for the test should be a breeze. All CNAs must take an examination before they become qualified nursing assistants. Choosing Your CNA Career Now that you know a little more about what being a CNA is like, and have some information about other comparable jobs, it is time to make a choice. Exploring the different online programs that are available to move you toward these medical support careers is the first step toward actually getting a degree or certificate. ​ Help Wanted Hiring employment independent life living skills health care allied community resources options DSS support care caregivers home healthcare caregiver unlimited I L S T ILST I.L.S.T. Companions CNA PCA RNA PT Speech OT Therapists teachers Physical Army Air Force Navy Marine Corps and Coast Guard at PLUS Andover Ansoni a Ashford Avon Barkhamsted Beacon Falls Berlin Bethany Bethel Bethlehem Bloomfield Bolton Bozrah Branford Bridgeport Bridgewater Bristol Brookfield Brooklyn Burlington Canaan Canterbury Canton Chaplin Cheshire Chester Clinton Colchester Colebrook Columbia Cornwall Coventry Cromwell Danbury Darien Deep River Derby Durham East Granby East Haddam East Hampton East Hartford East Haven East Lyme East Windsor Eastford Easton Ellington Enfield Essex Fairfield Farmington Franklin Glastonbury Goshen Granby Greenwich Griswold Groton Guilford Haddam Hamden Hampton Hartford Hartland Hebron Kent Killingly Killingworth Lebanon Ledyard Lisbon Litchfield Lyme Madison Manchester Mansfield Marlborough Meriden Middlebury Middlefield Middletown Milford Monroe Montville Morris Naugatuck Newington Newtown New Britain New Canaan New Fairfield New Hartford New Haven New London New Milford Norfolk North Branford North Canaan North Haven North Stonington Norwalk Norwich Old Lyme Old Saybrook Orange Oxford Plainfield Plainville Plymouth Pomfret Portland Preston Prospect Putnam Redding Ridgefield Rocky Hill Roxbury Salem Salisbury Scotland Seymour Sharon Shelton Sherman Simsbury Somers South Windsor Southbury Southington Sprague Stafford Stamford Sterling Stonington Stratford Suffield Thomaston Thompson Tolland Torrington Trumbull Union Vernon Voluntown Wallingford Washington Waterbury Waterford Watertown West Hartford West Haven Westbrook Weston Westport Wethersfield Willington Wilton Winchester Windham Windsor Windsor Locks Wolcott Woodbridge Woodbury Woodstock Albertus Magnus College New Haven Central Connecticut State University New Britain Charter Oak State College New Britain Connecticut College New London Eastern Connecticut State University Willimantic Fairfield University Fairfield Goodwin College East Hartford Holy Apostles College and Seminary Cromwell Lincoln College of New England Southington Mitchell College New London Post University Waterbury Quinnipiac University Hamden Sacred Heart University Fairfield Southern Connecticut State University New Haven St. Vincent's College Bridgeport Trinity

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