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  • CT Social Security New Haven Office 1-866-331-5281 | ABI RESOURCES Connecticut

    Social Security Administration Social Security Office in New Haven Giaimo Fed Bldg 4th Fl, 150 Court ST. 1-866-331-5281 , 1-800-772-1213 , 1-203-624-2332 Servicios de determinación de discapacidad Si bien las solicitudes de discapacidad del Seguro Social se toman en las oficinas locales, las decisiones médicas las toma en cada estado un servicio de determinación de discapacidad. Si ya presentó una solicitud de beneficios por incapacidad o si es un proveedor médico, puede enviar por correo la información médica de un solicitante de Connecticut a: Disability Determination Services 309 Warwarme Avenue Hartford, CT. 06114 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Waterbury, Connecticut 1-877-405-4874, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 1/29


    MAKE AN ONLINE REFERRAL Corto Plazo / Largo Plazo Atención domiciliaria y rehabilitación ​ SERVICIOS ESTATALES Línea de ayuda 1-860-942-0365 ​ Conéctese con un especialista certificado que brinda apoyo y orientación individual a personas, familiares, cuidadores, educadores y profesionales médicos y terapéuticos. Formulario de referencia en línea

  • RECOVERY ASSISTANT RA ( APPLY HERE ) Connecticut Career Employment

    We are looking for the best of the best! Seeking self-driven, caring, and super-organized ILSTs. APPLY HERE ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol 1/55

  • Connecticut - What is NEUROLOGY? What is a NEUROLOGIST?

    WHAT IS NEUROLOGY? WHAT IS A NEUROLOGIST? ​ ABI RESOURCES team members take directives from Neurologists. Neurology is the branch of medicine or biology that deals with the anatomy, functions, and organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates body activities. A doctor who specializes in neurology is called a neurologist. The neurologist treats disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, such as: ​ Central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system: all other neural elements, such as eyes, ears, skin, and other "sensory receptors" Cerebrovascular disease, such as stroke Seizure disorders, such as epilepsy Spinal cord disorders Speech and language disorders Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis Headache disorders Infections of the brain and peripheral nervous system Movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease Neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) ​ Because the nervous system is complex, a neurologist may specialize in a specific area. There are many subspecialties. Some examples of subspecialties include: ​ headache medicine neuromuscular medicine neurocritical care neuro-oncology geriatric neurology autonomic disorders vascular (stroke care) child neurology intervention neuroradiology epilepsy ​ Neurologists do not perform surgery. If one of their patients requires surgery, they refer them to a neurosurgeon. ​ In the realm of internal medicine, the field of neurology holds a critical position, tasked with the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disorders which may affect the nervous system and peripheral nerves. After many years of medical school, followed by specialized training, neurologists become experts in understanding the electrical activity in the brain, and how this can impact various functions of the body such as muscle strength. ​ When a patient is suspected of having a disorder of the nervous system, an appointment with a neurologist is often arranged. During this consultation, the neurologist may propose a range of diagnostic tests, such as a lumbar puncture or electromyography (EMG). A lumbar puncture, often known as a spinal tap, can help detect conditions like meningitis or multiple sclerosis, while an EMG is used to analyze the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles, providing vital data on the health of these muscles and the nerve cells that control them. ​ Ultimately, neurologists diagnose and treat conditions by assessing symptoms, understanding the underlying electrical activity, and studying the physical manifestations of these disorders. Their work is instrumental in managing a range of neurologic disorders and ensuring patients can achieve the best possible quality of life. ​ Connecticut Home Healthcare Services ​ ​ ​

  • Thank You Page | ABI RESOURCES

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  • Transform Your Life: Advanced TBI and Stroke Recovery Support with ABI Resources

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  • Search Results | ABI RESOURCES

    Search Results 316 elementos encontrados para "" ABI RESOURCES | WHEELCHAIR SAFETY EQUIPMENT - HOME RECOVERY - TBI - MFP WAIVER Click on the picture for more information. Descargo de responsabilidad: si bien trabajamos para garantizar que la información del producto sea correcta, en ocasiones los fabricantes pueden modificar sus listas de ingredientes. El embalaje y los materiales reales del producto pueden contener más información o información diferente a la que se muestra en nuestro sitio web. Le recomendamos que no se base únicamente en la información presentada y que siempre lea las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones antes de usar o consumir un producto. Para obtener información adicional sobre un producto, comuníquese con el fabricante. El contenido de este sitio tiene fines de referencia y no pretende sustituir los consejos brindados por un médico, farmacéutico u otro profesional de la salud autorizado. No debe utilizar esta información como autodiagnóstico o para tratar un problema de salud o enfermedad. Comuníquese con su proveedor de atención médica de inmediato si sospecha que tiene un problema médico. La información y las declaraciones sobre los suplementos dietéticos no han sido evaluadas por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos y no están destinadas a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad o condición de salud. ABI Resources no asume ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitudes o declaraciones erróneas sobre los productos. Connecticut - What is NEUROLOGY? What is a NEUROLOGIST? WHAT IS NEUROLOGY? WHAT IS A NEUROLOGIST? ​ ABI RESOURCES team members take directives from Neurologists. Neurology is the branch of medicine or biology that deals with the anatomy, functions, and organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates body activities. A doctor who specializes in neurology is called a neurologist. The neurologist treats disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, such as: ​ Central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system: all other neural elements, such as eyes, ears, skin, and other "sensory receptors" Cerebrovascular disease, such as stroke Seizure disorders, such as epilepsy Spinal cord disorders Speech and language disorders Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis Headache disorders Infections of the brain and peripheral nervous system Movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease Neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) ​ Because the nervous system is complex, a neurologist may specialize in a specific area. There are many subspecialties. Some examples of subspecialties include: ​ headache medicine neuromuscular medicine neurocritical care neuro-oncology geriatric neurology autonomic disorders vascular (stroke care) child neurology intervention neuroradiology epilepsy ​ Neurologists do not perform surgery. If one of their patients requires surgery, they refer them to a neurosurgeon. ​ In the realm of internal medicine, the field of neurology holds a critical position, tasked with the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disorders which may affect the nervous system and peripheral nerves. After many years of medical school, followed by specialized training, neurologists become experts in understanding the electrical activity in the brain, and how this can impact various functions of the body such as muscle strength. ​ When a patient is suspected of having a disorder of the nervous system, an appointment with a neurologist is often arranged. During this consultation, the neurologist may propose a range of diagnostic tests, such as a lumbar puncture or electromyography (EMG). A lumbar puncture, often known as a spinal tap, can help detect conditions like meningitis or multiple sclerosis, while an EMG is used to analyze the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles, providing vital data on the health of these muscles and the nerve cells that control them. ​ Ultimately, neurologists diagnose and treat conditions by assessing symptoms, understanding the underlying electrical activity, and studying the physical manifestations of these disorders. Their work is instrumental in managing a range of neurologic disorders and ensuring patients can achieve the best possible quality of life. ​ Connecticut Home Healthcare Services ​ ​ ​ ABI RESOURCES | EMPLOYMENT | CONNECTICUT BRAIN INJURY PROGRAMS Solicitud ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol 1/55 ABI RESOURCES | HOME TEAM MEETINGS | CT MFP ABI WAIVER Team Meetings at Your Home. There are several reasons why having home healthcare Teem meetings at your home can be significant: ​ Convenience: Home healthcare meetings can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for the patient and their family, rather than having to travel to a healthcare facility. ​ Comfort: Home healthcare meetings can be held in a familiar and comfortable environment, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety for the patient. ​ Cost-effective: Home healthcare meetings can be more cost-effective than in-person visits to a healthcare facility, as they can save on transportation costs and time spent traveling. ​ Personalized care: Home healthcare meetings can provide more personalized care, as the healthcare provider can assess the patient's home environment and identify any potential issues that may impact their health. ​ Increased communication: Home healthcare meetings can facilitate better communication between the healthcare provider and the patient, as they can discuss the patient's progress and any concerns in a more relaxed and informal setting. ​ ​ CNA JOBS CONNECTICUT CAREERS - NOW HIRING - CT JOB HEALTHCARE | ABI RESOURCES START APPLICATION Fullscreen Page | ABI RESOURCES CT Social Security New Haven Office 1-866-331-5281 | ABI RESOURCES Connecticut Social Security Administration Social Security Office in New Haven Giaimo Fed Bldg 4th Fl, 150 Court ST. 1-866-331-5281 , 1-800-772-1213 , 1-203-624-2332 Servicios de determinación de discapacidad Si bien las solicitudes de discapacidad del Seguro Social se toman en las oficinas locales, las decisiones médicas las toma en cada estado un servicio de determinación de discapacidad. Si ya presentó una solicitud de beneficios por incapacidad o si es un proveedor médico, puede enviar por correo la información médica de un solicitante de Connecticut a: Disability Determination Services 309 Warwarme Avenue Hartford, CT. 06114 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Waterbury, Connecticut 1-877-405-4874, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 1/29 ABI Waiver Program 1 or 2 ? CT Brain Injury Home Services SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME SSI | ABI RESOURCES INCAPACIDAD DEL SEGURO SOCIAL SOLICITUD ​ ​ “¿Qué es el Seguro de Ingreso Suplementario SSI? ​ El Ingreso Suplementario de Seguridad (SSI) es un programa federal de suplemento de ingresos financiado por ingresos tributarios generales (no por impuestos del Seguro Social) : ​ Está diseñado para ayudar a personas mayores, ciegas y discapacitadas que tienen pocos o ningún ingreso; y ​ Proporciona dinero en efectivo para satisfacer las necesidades básicas de alimentación, ropa y vivienda. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY SSI CONNECTICUT CT MFP MEDICAID ABI TBI WAIVER ABI RESOURCES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY SSI CONNECTICUT CT MFP MEDICAID ABI TBI WAIVER ABI RESOURCES Request for Clear Directives and Detailed Information on Care Plan and Services Dear DSS COU Team, SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY SSI CONNECTICUT CT MFP MEDICAID ABI TBI WAIVER ABI RESOURCES 1/191 ABI RESOURCES | FAIRFIELD CT HOME CARE | CARE AND SUPPORTED REHAB CT MFP MAKE AN ONLINE REFERRAL Corto Plazo / Largo Plazo Atención domiciliaria y rehabilitación ​ SERVICIOS ESTATALES Línea de ayuda 1-860-942-0365 ​ Conéctese con un especialista certificado que brinda apoyo y orientación individual a personas, familiares, cuidadores, educadores y profesionales médicos y terapéuticos. Formulario de referencia en línea ABI RESOURCES | Understanding Schizophrenia Understanding Schizophrenia Haga clic en el altavoz para ajustar el volumen. RECOVERY ASSISTANT RA ( APPLY HERE ) Connecticut Career Employment We are looking for the best of the best! Seeking self-driven, caring, and super-organized ILSTs. APPLY HERE ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI R ILST Independent Life Skills Trainer | ABI Resources Connecticut ABI Resources Home-based supported living and community care. Providing disability support services across Connecticut. Acquired brain injury ABI, Traumatic brain injury TBI, Stroke Work with DSS DMHAS ccc ccci swcaa wcaaa allied. Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider. Employment Jobs CT Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tol 1/55 Anterior 1 2 3 4 5 ... 27 Siguiente


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