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Programme MFP L'argent suit la personne Demande Appliquer Medicaid CTMFP DSS Medicare CMS TB

Qu'est-ce que le programme MFP et à quoi sert-il ?

Le programme MFP aide une personne à financer et à organiser son déménagement hors d'un établissement médical. Il aide à mettre en place un logement, des produits de première nécessité, du matériel médical et des aides familiaux temporaires à domicile.

​MFP est une subvention de démonstration fédérale, reçue par le Département des services sociaux du CT des Centers for Medicare et Medicaid Services. Il a été décerné pour contribuer à rééquilibrer le système de soins de longue durée afin que les individus jouissent d'un maximum d'indépendance et de liberté de choix quant à l'endroit où ils vivent et reçoivent des soins et des services. Le programme s'appuie sur les programmes actuels en offrant des services communautaires améliorés et un soutien à ceux qui résident dans des établissements de soins infirmiers depuis au moins trois mois. Dans le cadre du MFP, CT recevra, pour ceux qui reviennent dans la communauté, une subvention Medicaid améliorée de neuf millions de dollars sur cinq ans, remboursée à 75 pour cent des coûts pour la première année de retour dans la communauté au lieu des 50 pour cent habituels. Ce soutien fédéral est une incitation financière pour le Connecticut à réduire le recours à des soins institutionnels plus coûteux pour les bénéficiaires de Medicaid. Cette approche est plus rentable pour les contribuables et devrait entraîner une amélioration de la qualité de vie des personnes âgées et des personnes ayant une déficience physique, développementale ou une maladie mentale. Les personnes qui reviennent dans la communauté ont le choix de l'endroit où elles souhaitent vivre, qu'il s'agisse de leur propre maison, de celle d'un membre de leur famille, d'un appartement ou d'une vie collective.

Objectifs du MFP

Augmenter les sommes consacrées aux services à domicile et communautaires.
Augmenter le pourcentage de personnes recevant leurs services à long terme dans la communauté par rapport à celles vivant en institution.
Réduire le nombre de sorties de l’hôpital vers des établissements de soins infirmiers pour les personnes nécessitant des soins après leur sortie.
Augmenter la probabilité que les personnes retournent dans la communauté dans les trois premiers mois suivant leur admission dans un établissement
Faire sortir les individus des institutions et les réintégrer dans la communauté
Des plans de soins individualisés sont créés en fonction des besoins. Les coordonnateurs de transition du CCCI fourniront une assistance individuelle en matière de soutien communautaire, de navigation dans le système, d'accès aux ressources et aux modalités de logement.

The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
MFP prgram Money Follows the Person ABI Resources Https:/ CTMFP CT Community C
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is a transformative, federally-funded initiative that aid
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
PCA Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain In
PCA Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain In
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider.  Providin
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Medicaid MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Agency, Provider.  Providin
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
ABI Resources is a reputable organization that provides exceptional support to individuals and famil
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
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Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program MFP Acquired Brain Injury ABI Waiver Progra
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
WINDHAM Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brai
TOLLAND Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brai
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
NEW HAVEN Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Br
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
NEW LONDON Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired B
HARTFORD Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Bra
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
ABI RESOURCES Home-Based Supported Living Groups Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money
Connecticut Community Care CT home healthcare Money Follows the Person program Acquired Brain Injury
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