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    LA SÉCURITÉ D'ABORD Brain Injury and Maintaining Home Safety Challenges: Difficulty with balance and coordination, which can increase the risk of falls Changes in cognitive function, such as memory loss or confusion, which can make it difficult to navigate the home or complete tasks Changes in sensation, such as numbness or tingling, which can make it difficult to sense potential hazards or understand one's surroundings Changes in behavior or mood, such as impulsivity or aggression, which can make it difficult to control one's actions and maintain a safe home environment Preventing Home Fires: Cognitive impairment, such as memory loss or confusion, which can make it difficult for the individual to remember to turn off appliances or properly handle flammable materials Physical impairment, such as difficulty with fine motor skills or balance, which can make it difficult to maneuver around the home and use equipment safely Behavioral changes, such as impulsivity or aggression, which can lead to reckless or dangerous actions that increase the risk of fire. Solutions: Installing smoke alarms and fire extinguishers Creating and practicing an emergency evacuation plan Providing training on fire safety Supervising the individual with brain injury when they're handling fire, cooking or using any equipment that could cause a fire. Having a professional assess the home for fire hazards and make recommendations for safety improvements. Home modifications such as handrails, stairlifts, and ramps to assist with mobility Assistive technology such as alarms and reminder systems to help with daily tasks and managing the environment Support system with family members, caregivers, and professionals to help with the identification and management of these challenges.



  • CT Social Security Torrington Office 1-877-405-0486 | ABI RESOURCES Connecticut

    Administration de la sécurité sociale Bureau de la sécurité sociale à Torrington 147 Litchfield Street 06790, Torrington, Connecticut 1-877-405-0486 , 1-800-772-1213 , 1-860-626-9568 Services de détermination du handicap Alors que les demandes d'invalidité de la Sécurité sociale sont prises dans les bureaux locaux, les décisions médicales sont prises dans chaque État par un service de détermination du handicap. Si vous avez déjà déposé une demande de prestations d'invalidité ou si vous êtes un prestataire médical, vous pouvez envoyer des informations médicales sur un demandeur du Connecticut à : Disability Determination Services 309 Warwarme Avenue Hartford, CT. 06114 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Waterbury, Connecticut 1-877-405-4874, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 1/29


    SOCIAL GROUPS AND EVENTS Centre social de ressources ABI | Ferry Galès

  • Apply - Housing Authority Program ( Section 8 ) - Connecticut | ABI RESOURCES

    Trouver un logement convenable peut être un processus complexe pour les personnes handicapées, y compris celles souffrant de lésions cérébrales acquises. Dans le Connecticut, de nombreuses agences de logement public (PHA) proposent diverses options. ABI Resources, l'un des principaux fournisseurs de services de soutien aux personnes handicapées pour le programme Medicaid Acquired Brain Injury Waiver, se consacre à aider les clients à naviguer efficacement dans ces options. Aperçu des agences de logement public du Connecticut : Le Connecticut compte un large éventail d'agences de logement public (PHA) dédiées à l'offre de solutions de logement abordables. Ces agences s'étendent d'Ansonia à Windsor Locks, chacune offrant aux résidents des opportunités uniques de trouver un logement adapté à leurs besoins spécifiques. ABI Resources s'engage à faciliter l'accès à ces ressources vitales, en garantissant que les personnes handicapées bénéficient du soutien dont elles ont besoin pour s'adresser à l'agence de leur ville. Étapes clés pour postuler à un logement public dans le Connecticut : Sélectionnez l'autorité de votre agence municipale : avec une liste complète des agences de logement public du Connecticut, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, la Bridgeport Housing Authority, la New Haven Housing Authority et la Stamford Housing Authority, il est crucial de commencer votre processus de candidature en sélectionnant l'agence qui dessert votre localité. Comprendre le processus de candidature : Chaque régie du logement a son processus de candidature. ABI Resources offre son expertise dans la compréhension de ces procédures, rendant l'application aussi transparente que possible pour nos clients. Tirer parti du ministère du Logement du Connecticut : Pour un soutien et des ressources plus larges, le ministère du Logement du Connecticut joue un rôle crucial en offrant des conseils et une assistance aux personnes cherchant à s'orienter dans le système de logement public. Services de soutien personnalisés : ABI Resources fournit des services de soutien personnalisés, garantissant que les personnes handicapées, y compris celles bénéficiant du programme Medicaid Acquired Brain Injury Waiver, reçoivent l'assistance sur mesure dont elles ont besoin pour obtenir un logement. Notre travail chez ABI Resources a permis à de nombreux clients de postuler et d'obtenir un logement avec succès par l'intermédiaire de diverses agences telles que la Hartford Housing Authority et la Norwalk Housing Authority. Ces réussites soulignent l’importance d’un soutien spécialisé dans le processus de demande de logement public. Naviguer dans le paysage du logement public dans le Connecticut peut être intimidant, en particulier pour les personnes handicapées. ABI Resources se présente comme une référence de soutien, offrant des conseils d'experts et des services personnalisés pour garantir que nos clients peuvent trouver un endroit où ils peuvent appeler leur chez-soi. En travaillant en étroite collaboration avec les agences de logement public du Connecticut, nous nous efforçons de rendre le logement accessible à tous, quels que soient leurs défis. Contactez-nous: Pour plus d'informations sur la manière dont ABI Resources peut vous aider, vous ou vos proches, à obtenir un logement public dans le Connecticut, veuillez nous contacter. Notre équipe d’experts est prête à vous fournir le soutien et les conseils dont vous avez besoin à chaque étape du processus.

  • ABI RESOURCES | CT Personal Care Assistance PCA

    Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources 1/3 Connecticut Waiver Factsheet CT ABI Waiver II (1085.R01.00) Provides ABI group day, adult day health, homemaker, personal care, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, ABI recovery assistant II, ABI recovery assistant, assistive technology, chore, cognitive behavioral programs, community living support services (CLSS), companion, consultation services, environmental accessibility modifications, home delivered meals, independent living skills training, personal emergency response systems (PERS), substance abuse programs, transportation, vehicle modification services for individual with brain injury ages 18 – no max age CT Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Waiver I (0302.R05.00) Provides homemaker, pre-vocational service, respite, supported employment, ABI group day, assistive technology, chore, cognitive behavioral programs, community living support services (CLSS), companion, environmental accessibility adaptation, home-delivered meals, independent living skills training, personal emergency response systems (PERS), substance abuse programs, transitional living services, transportation, and vehicle modification services for individuals with brain injury ages 18 - no max age. CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver (0437.R03.00) Provides adult day health, blended supports, group day supports, group supported employment, live-in caregiver (42 CFR §441.303(f)(8)), prevocational services, respite, independent support broker, assisted living, assistive technology, behavioral support services, community companion homes (CCH), community living arrangements (CLA), companion supports aka as adult companion, continuous residential supports, customized employment supports, environmental modifications, health care coordination, individual directed goods and services, individual supported employment, individualized day supports, individualized home supports, interpreter, nutrition, parenting support, peer support, personal emergency response system (PERS), personal support, remote supports service, senior supports, shared living, specialized medical equipment and supplies, training, counseling and support services for unpaid caregivers, transitional employment services, transportation, vehicle modifications for individuals developmental disabilities 18 yrs - no max age and individuals with intellectual disabilities 3 yrs - no max age CT Employment and Day Supports (0881.R02.00) Provides adult day health, blended supports, group day supports aka community based day support options, individual supported employment, prevocational services, respite, independent support broker, peer support, assistive technology, behavioral support services, customized employment supports, environmental modifications, group supported employment, individual direct goods and services, individualized day support, interpreter, personal emergency response system (PERS), remote supports services, specialized medical equipment and supplies, training, counseling and support services for unpaid caregivers, transitional employment services, transportation, and vehicle modifications for individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 - no max age and individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 3 - no max age. CT HCBS for Elders (0140.R07.00) Provides adult day health, care management, homemaker, personal care assistant, respite, adult family living, assisted living, assistive technology, bill payer, care transitions, chore, chronic disease self-management program, companion, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, mental health counseling, PERS, recovery assistant, transportation for aged individuals ages 65 - no max age CT Home and Community Supports Waiver for Persons with Autism (0993.R01.00) Provides live in companion, respite, assistive technology, clinical behavioral support services, community mentor, individual goods and services, interpreter, job coaching, life skills coach, non-medical transportation, personal emergency response system, social skills group, and specialized driving assessment for individuals with autism ages 3 – no max age. CT Individual and Family Support Waiver (0426.R03.00) Provides adult day health, blended supports, community companion homes, group day supports, individual supported employment, live-in companion, prevocational services, respite, independent support broker, assistive technology, behavioral support services, companion supports aka adult companion, continuous residential supports, customized employment supports, environmental modifications, group supported employment, health care coordination, individualized day supports, individualized home supports, individually directed goods and services, interpreter, nutrition, parenting support, peer support, personal emergency response system (PERS), personal support, remote supports services, senior supports, shared living, specialized medical equipment and supplies, training, counseling and support services for unpaid caregivers, transitional employment services, transportation, and vehicle modifications for individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 – no max age, and individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 3 – no max age. CT Katie Beckett Waiver (4110.R08.00) Provides case management to individuals with physical disabilities ages 0-22 CT Mental Health Waiver (0653.R03.00) Provides adult day health, community support program, supported employment, assisted living, assistive technology, brief episode stabilization, chore services, home accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, interpreter, mental health counseling, non-medical transportation, overnight recovery assistant, peer supports, personal emergency response systems, recovery assistant, specialized medical equipment, and transitional case management for individuals with mental illness ages 22 to no max age . CT Personal Care Assistance (0301.R05.00) Provides adult day health, agency-based personal care assistant, care management, meals on wheels, adult family living, mental health counseling, personal emergency response system (PERS) for individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64.

  • ABI RESOURCES | CT Supported Living Groups | Home and Community Care

    Creative Brain Injury Awareness Multimedia Projects


    Projets multimédias créatifs de sensibilisation aux lésions cérébrales ABI Resources travaille avec plusieurs organisations, notamment DSS, DMHAS, WWP, CCC, CCCI, SWCAA, WCAAA, Allied, Yale, UConn, Gaylord, HFSC, et bien d'autres, pour fournir les meilleurs soins aux individus. Vie assistée à domicile, soins communautaires et amitié dans le Connecticut.

  • ABI RESOURCES | Referrals | CT Brain Injury Home Services | CT MFP ABI WAIVER

    FAIRE UNE RÉFÉRENCE EN LIGNE SERVICES DANS TOUT L'ÉTAT Ligne d'assistance 1-860-942-0365 Connectez-vous avec un spécialiste certifié qui fournit un soutien et des conseils individuels aux personnes, aux membres de la famille, aux soignants, aux éducateurs et aux professionnels médicaux et thérapeutiques.


    Pour organiser des déplacements pour des rendez-vous médicaux et thérapeutiques, appelez 1-855-478-7350 Veyo Transport médical non urgent Call Main # 1-855-478-7350. Pick English or Spanish. Then option 1-4 is for the member. CCC staff should select option 5- for a facility for faster routing to an agent. Provide client Name, Detailed Address of client, DOB and EMS ID for PHI Verification. Provide client date/time of appointment, pick up and drop off time, whether its reoccurring etc. At this time, it is crucial to give details on the client's functional/medical status to assist in determining the client’s ability to take a specific type of transit. Types include Wheelchair, medical, car and Public Transit (bus). Veyo reports that for a client to be determined eligible ONLY Public Transit, the client has to be deemed to have a bus stop within .75 miles of their home, and .75 from their appointment. (this means a client needs to be able to walk this distance safely). In order to deem a client eligible for a more supportive transport method a Medically Appropriate Mode Form (MAM) needs to be completed and SIGNED by a licensed professional (MD, RN, LCSW). MAM forms can take up to 15 days to be approved/denied by VEYO. If Denied, Veyo sends a letter in one business day to the client for a reason. If approved, MAM is logged in the client's file and they use the medically necessary mode of transportation going forward. These forms expire and need to be completed again after 1 year. If within the 15-day approval, time frame the client needs medical transportation, the client can ask for 1 to 15 day “courtesy” (up to 2 times in a row) to get this transportation mode while MAM is pending. If the client requires an escort/companion, a Companion Form must be completed by a licensed professional and approved by VEYO. For clients with appointments a distance away need the Closest Provider Form. This form is needed based on the following: 1) If they live in an urban area, the form is needed for appts beyond 10 miles 2) If they live in a rural area, the form is needed for appts beyond 20 miles. FOR QUALITY CONCERNS: Report Missed Pick Ups, Poor Customer Care, Long Hold Times, etc to which is their quality assurance department who will do an investigation. Include the date and time of the call as well as the agent- as the call is recorded and the investigator will pull this. Also asked to be included in the communication in the email as a representative for the client – 1) Include name of driver if known, or type of transmit 2) IDPs are Independent Driving Providers (like an uber) 3) 3POs are 3rd party operators- like ACE, Metro. Clients can ask in their record for a preferred provider if they prefer someone who has provided satisfactory services. If an appointment is scheduled/confirmed and the driver is a no-show, the main number can be called and select the option for “Where’s my Ride”. Report the driver is a no-show and you want to file a complaint so this can be logged in the driver’s file. If the ride is urgent, ask for a rescue trip to be pursued. An agent will seek a driver to arrive for pick up in less than an hour. Call Veyo ct mfp abi MTM SANDATA Veyo Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) MTM Medicaid members in Connecticut Taxi Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Call Veyo ct mfp abi MTM SANDATA 1/27


    What are the Potential Effects of TBI? The severity of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may range from “mild” (i.e., a brief change in mental status or consciousness) to “severe” (i.e., an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury). A TBI can cause a wide range of functional short- or long-term changes affecting: Thinking (i.e., memory and reasoning); Sensation (i.e., sight and balance); Language (i.e., communication, expression, and understanding); and Emotion (i.e., depression, anxiety, personality changes, aggression, acting out, and social inappropriateness). A TBI can also cause epilepsy and increase the risk for conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other brain disorders. About 75% of TBIs that occur each year are concussions or other forms of mild TBI. Repeated mild TBIs occurring over an extended period of time can result in cumulative neurological and cognitive deficits. Repeated mild TBIs occurring within a short period of time (i.e., hours, days, or weeks) can be catastrophic or fatal. For information on how to prevent TBI and the potentially serious effects from this injury, please visit TBI Prevention page.

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