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Often, the Probate Court will appoint a family member of the individual, or his or her close friend, as the conservator. Sometimes the court will appoint someone else, such as a lawyer. The court tries to determine whom the conserved person prefers but, if a conflict exists, may appoint an uninterested party. 

Any adult person may use this form to petition for the appointment of a conservator of an adult who is alleged to be incapable. A “conservator of the person” is appointed to supervise the personal affairs of a person whom the court finds to be unable to meet essential requirements for personal needs, even with appropriate assistance. These needs may include but are not limited to, the need for food, clothing, shelter, health care, and safety. A “conservator of the estate” is appointed to supervise the financial affairs of a person whom the court finds to be incapable of doing so to the extent that property will be wasted unless adequate property management is provided. This may include but is not limited to, actions to obtain and manage assets, income, and public assistance benefits. The petition may also request the appointment of a successor conservator. The person for whom the appointment of a conservatorship is being requested is referred to as the respondent.


Any adult person may use this form to petition the court to appoint a voluntary conservator of the person or estate to manage his or her personal or financial affairs, or both. A voluntary “conservator of the person” is appointed to supervise personal affairs, such as the need for food, clothing, shelter, health care, and safety. A voluntary “conservator of the estate” is appointed to supervise financial affairs. This may include but is not limited to, actions to obtain and manage assets, income, and public assistance benefits. The petition may also request the appointment of a successor conservator.

A conservator is a person appointed by the Probate Court to oversee the financial or personal affairs of an adult. In an involuntary conservatorship, a conservator is appointed only if the court determines that the individual is unable to care for him or herself, or unable to manage his or her financial affairs. In a voluntary conservatorship, the court appoints a conservator on the request of an adult who seeks assistance in managing his or her affairs, without making a finding that the individual is incapable.
There are two kinds of conservators. A conservator of the person supervises personal affairs and ensures that the person's basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing and health care, are met. A conservator of the estate supervises financial affairs, including caring for property, managing bank accounts and ensuring the safe handling of the person's income.
Conservators and people who are interested in being conservators can find more information by clicking on the link, Conservators.


Bayanin da ke cikin wannan gidan yanar gizon an bayar da shi don dalilai na bayanai kawai, kuma bai kamata a fassara shi azaman shawarar doka akan kowane lamari ba. Bayanin da aka bayar akan wannan rukunin yanar gizon ba shawara ba ne na doka, baya zama sabis na neman lauyoyi, kuma babu wani lauya-abokin ciniki ko alaƙar sirri ko yakamata a kafa ta amfani da rukunin yanar gizon. Daidaito, cikawa, wadatuwa ko kuɗin abun cikin bashi da garanti ko garanti. Shafukanmu da ayyukanmu ba madadin shawara ko sabis na lauya ba ne. Muna ba da shawarar ku tuntuɓi lauya ko wasu ƙwararrun da suka dace idan kuna son shawarar doka, kasuwanci ko haraji. Muna ƙoƙari don kiyaye abun ciki da takaddunmu daidai, na yau da kullun kuma na zamani. Koyaya, saboda doka tana canzawa cikin sauri, ba za mu iya ba da tabbacin cewa duk bayanan da ke kan rukunin yanar gizon da sabis suna gaba ɗaya na yanzu ba. Dokar ta sha bamban da hukumci zuwa hurumi, kuma tana iya yiwuwa kotuna daban-daban su fassara ta. Doka lamari ne na sirri, kuma babu wani cikakken bayani ko kayan aiki na doka kamar irin wanda muke samarwa da zai dace da kowane yanayi. Bugu da ƙari, bayanan shari'a da ke ƙunshe akan rukunin yanar gizon da sabis ba shawara ba ne na doka kuma ba a da tabbacin zama daidai, cikakke ko na zamani. Don haka, idan kuna buƙatar shawarar doka don takamaiman matsalarku, ko kuma idan takamaiman matsalarku ta yi yawa da wuya a magance ta ta kayan aikin mu, yakamata ku tuntuɓi lauya mai lasisi a yankinku. Shafukanmu da ayyukanmu ba a yi niyya don ƙirƙirar wata alaƙar lauya da abokin ciniki ba, kuma amfanin ku na rukunin yanar gizonmu da ayyukanmu baya kuma ba zai haifar da alaƙar lauya da abokin ciniki tsakanin ku da mu ba. Mu ba sabis na neman lauyoyi ba ne kuma shafuka da ayyuka da sauran albarkatu da bayanai na amfanin mutum ne kawai.

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