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"" के लिए 264 आइटम मिली


    मेडिकेड किकबैक का मतलब है मेडिकेड रोगियों को विशिष्ट कार्यक्रमों या सेवाओं के लिए रेफर करने के बदले में देखभाल प्रबंधकों या अन्य स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदाताओं को प्रोत्साहन देने या प्रदान करने की अवैध प्रथा। यह एंटी-किकबैक क़ानून का उल्लंघन है और अवैध है। इन प्रथाओं से स्वास्थ्य सेवा की लागत बढ़ सकती है और रोगियों को संभावित नुकसान हो सकता है, क्योंकि रेफरल रोगी के सर्वोत्तम हितों के अलावा किसी और चीज़ पर आधारित हो सकते हैं। लोगों और मेडिकेड कार्यक्रमों की भलाई की रक्षा के लिए स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदाताओं और देखभाल प्रबंधकों के लिए इस प्रकार की किकबैक की पहचान करने और उन्हें रोकने में सतर्क रहना आवश्यक है। ​ यह संभव है कि कुछ प्रदाता मेडिकेड उपभोक्ताओं को ऐसे विशिष्ट प्रदाताओं या कार्यक्रमों के पास भेज सकते हैं जो उनके काम को आसान बना देंगे या उनका समय बचाएंगे, न कि उपभोक्ता के सर्वोत्तम हित में। इसे किकबैक का एक रूप माना जा सकता है, क्योंकि प्रदाता को इन रेफरल के लिए कुछ लाभ या प्रोत्साहन मिल सकता है। यह ध्यान रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि इस तरह के रेफरल को एंटी-किकबैक क़ानून का उल्लंघन माना जा सकता है और यह अवैध है। प्रदाताओं को हमेशा उस व्यक्ति की भलाई को प्राथमिकता देनी चाहिए जिसकी वे सेवा करते हैं और उनकी सुविधा के बजाय उनकी ज़रूरतों के आधार पर रेफरल करना चाहिए। आपको अपने मेडिकेड प्रदाताओं को चुनने का अधिकार है। ​ शिकायत दर्ज करने या चिंता की रिपोर्ट करने के लिए, 1-800-447-8477 पर कॉल करें यूएस डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ़ हेल्थ एंड ह्यूमन सर्विसेस महानिरीक्षक कार्यालय


    Support groups: Make connections, and get help. You don't have to go alone if you're facing a significant illness or stressful life change. A support group can help. Find out how to choose the right one. Support groups bring together people who are going through or have gone through similar experiences. For example, this common ground might be cancer, chronic medical conditions, addiction, bereavement, or caregiving. A support group allows people to share personal experiences, feelings, coping Support groups: Make connections, and get help. You don't have to go alone if you're facing a significant illness or stressful life change. A support group can help. Find out how to choose the right one. Support groups bring together people who are going through or have gone through similar experiences. For example, this common ground might be cancer, chronic medical conditions, addiction, bereavement, or caregiving. A support group allows people to share personal experiences, feelings, coping Support groups: Make connections, and get help. You don't have to go alone if you're facing a significant illness or stressful life change. A support group can help. Find out how to choose the right one. Support groups bring together people who are going through or have gone through similar experiences. For example, this common ground might be cancer, chronic medical conditions, addiction, bereavement, or caregiving. A support group allows people to share personal experiences, feelings, coping 1/2



  • CT Social Security New London Office 1-866-643-3401 | ABI RESOURCES Connecticut

    सामाजिक सुरक्षा प्राधिकरण न्यू लंदन में सामाजिक सुरक्षा कार्यालय Rm 101, 2 शॉज़ कोव 06320, न्यू लंदन, कनेक्टिकट 1-866-643-3401 , 1-800-772-1213 , 1-800-325-0778 विकलांगता निर्धारण सेवाएँ जबकि सामाजिक सुरक्षा विकलांगता के लिए आवेदन स्थानीय क्षेत्रीय कार्यालयों में लिए जाते हैं, चिकित्सा निर्णय प्रत्येक राज्य में विकलांगता निर्धारण सेवा द्वारा किए जाते हैं। यदि आपने पहले से ही विकलांगता लाभों के लिए आवेदन दायर किया है या यदि आप एक चिकित्सा प्रदाता हैं, तो आप कनेक्टीकट आवेदक की चिकित्सा जानकारी इस पते पर मेल कर सकते हैं: विकलांगता निर्धारण सेवाएँ 309 वारवर्मी एवेन्यू हार्टफ़ोर्ड, सीटी. 06114 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Waterbury, Connecticut 1-877-405-4874, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 1/29

  • CT DSS | Waterbury Field Office | 1-855-626-6632 | ABI RESOURCES | Connecticut Department of Social Services DSS Waterbury Field Office 249 Thomaston Avenue Waterbury, CT 06702

    कनेक्टिकट सामाजिक सेवा विभाग का पता. वॉटरबरी फील्ड ऑफिस 249 थॉमस्टन एवेन्यू वॉटरबरी, सी.टी. 06702 डीएसएस फील्ड कार्यालय और स्टाफयुक्त लाभ केंद्र ( 1-855-626-6632 ) सोमवार, मंगलवार, गुरुवार और शुक्रवार को सुबह 8:00 बजे से शाम 4:30 बजे तक खुले रहते हैं (बुधवार को बंद)। Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Waterbury, Connecticut 1-877-405-4874, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 1/29 Bridgeport Hartford Manchester Middletown New Britain New Haven Norwich Torrington Stamford Waterbury Willimantic ​ MFP program ABI waiver program Healthcare services Financial assistance Eligibility criteria Benefit renewal process Service disruptions Medical aid Food support Cash assistance Apply for benefits Check eligibility MyAccount DSS benefits info Social services Public assistance programs Government benefits. ​ ABI RESOURCES CONNECTICUT CT DSS ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY ABI WAIVER AND MFP AGENCY PROVIDER. CT SUPPORTED LIVING AND COMMUNITY CARE LEADERS. BRAIN INJURY COMMUNITY OF CONNECTICUT BICC DISABILITY RIGHTS OF CONNECTICUT ADVOCATES ​


    SOCIAL GROUPS AND EVENTS एबीआई रिसोर्सेज सोशल सेंटर | गेल्स फेरी

  • ABI RESOURCES | Report TBI Discrimination | CT MFP ABI Waiver

    मस्तिष्क की चोट से बचे लोगों को विभिन्न तरीकों से भेदभाव का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। ​ कुछ उदाहरणों में शामिल हैं: ​ रोजगार भेदभाव: मस्तिष्क की चोट से पीड़ित कई लोगों को रोजगार की तलाश करते समय भेदभाव का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। उन्हें नौकरी देने से मना किया जा सकता है या उनकी चोट के कारण पदोन्नति से वंचित किया जा सकता है, या उन्हें कम वेतन वाली नौकरी लेने के लिए मजबूर किया जा सकता है। ​ शैक्षिक भेदभाव: मस्तिष्क की चोट से बचे लोगों को शिक्षा प्रणाली में भी भेदभाव का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। उन्हें स्कूल या कार्यक्रम में प्रवेश से वंचित किया जा सकता है या कुछ कक्षाओं या गतिविधियों से वंचित किया जा सकता है। ​ स्वास्थ्य देखभाल भेदभाव: कुछ मस्तिष्क चोट से बचे लोगों को स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदाताओं से उतनी देखभाल या ध्यान नहीं मिल सकता जितना कि मस्तिष्क चोट से पीड़ित लोगों को मिलता है। उन्हें उपचार या पुनर्वास सेवाओं के लिए बीमा कवरेज से भी वंचित किया जा सकता है। ​ सामाजिक भेदभाव: मस्तिष्क की चोट से बचे लोगों को सामाजिक गतिविधियों से दूर रखा जा सकता है या उनके दोस्तों और परिवार द्वारा उनके साथ अलग व्यवहार किया जा सकता है। इसका परिणाम अलगाव और सामाजिक संपर्क के सीमित अवसर हो सकते हैं। ​ सुलभ पर्यावरण भेदभाव: उन्हें सुलभ बुनियादी ढांचे की कमी के कारण इमारतों, परिवहन और अन्य दैनिक जीवन की गतिविधियों तक पहुंच के लिए बाधाओं का सामना करना पड़ सकता है ​ यह उल्लेख करना उचित है कि विकलांग व्यक्तियों की सुरक्षा के लिए कानून और विनियम मौजूद हैं, जैसे कि अमेरिकन्स विद डिसेबिलिटीज़ एक्ट (ADA) जो रोजगार, आवास, सार्वजनिक आवास और अन्य क्षेत्रों में विकलांग व्यक्तियों के खिलाफ भेदभाव को प्रतिबंधित करता है। कानूनों के बावजूद, इस प्रकार के भेदभाव अभी भी हो सकते हैं, और मस्तिष्क की चोट से बचे लोगों को अपने अधिकारों की रक्षा के लिए अधिवक्ताओं और कानूनी प्रतिनिधित्व की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। आप यहां क्लिक करके भेदभाव की रिपोर्ट कर सकते हैं।


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  • ABI RESOURCES | CT Personal Care Assistance PCA

    Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employm Waiver Facts Government Funded Programs CT ABI Waiver II CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver CT Employment and Day Supports CT Individual and Family Support Waiver CT Mental Health CT Katie Beckett Waiver CT Personal Care Assistance Connecticut ABI Resources 1/3 Connecticut Waiver Factsheet ​ CT ABI Waiver II (1085.R01.00) Provides ABI group day, adult day health, homemaker, personal care, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, ABI recovery assistant II, ABI recovery assistant, assistive technology, chore, cognitive behavioral programs, community living support services (CLSS), companion, consultation services, environmental accessibility modifications, home delivered meals, independent living skills training, personal emergency response systems (PERS), substance abuse programs, transportation, vehicle modification services for individual with brain injury ages 18 – no max age ​ ​ CT Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Waiver I (0302.R05.00) Provides homemaker, pre-vocational service, respite, supported employment, ABI group day, assistive technology, chore, cognitive behavioral programs, community living support services (CLSS), companion, environmental accessibility adaptation, home-delivered meals, independent living skills training, personal emergency response systems (PERS), substance abuse programs, transitional living services, transportation, and vehicle modification services for individuals with brain injury ages 18 - no max age. CT Comprehensive Supports Waiver (0437.R03.00) Provides adult day health, blended supports, group day supports, group supported employment, live-in caregiver (42 CFR §441.303(f)(8)), prevocational services, respite, independent support broker, assisted living, assistive technology, behavioral support services, community companion homes (CCH), community living arrangements (CLA), companion supports aka as adult companion, continuous residential supports, customized employment supports, environmental modifications, health care coordination, individual directed goods and services, individual supported employment, individualized day supports, individualized home supports, interpreter, nutrition, parenting support, peer support, personal emergency response system (PERS), personal support, remote supports service, senior supports, shared living, specialized medical equipment and supplies, training, counseling and support services for unpaid caregivers, transitional employment services, transportation, vehicle modifications for individuals developmental disabilities 18 yrs - no max age and individuals with intellectual disabilities 3 yrs - no max age ​ CT Employment and Day Supports (0881.R02.00) Provides adult day health, blended supports, group day supports aka community based day support options, individual supported employment, prevocational services, respite, independent support broker, peer support, assistive technology, behavioral support services, customized employment supports, environmental modifications, group supported employment, individual direct goods and services, individualized day support, interpreter, personal emergency response system (PERS), remote supports services, specialized medical equipment and supplies, training, counseling and support services for unpaid caregivers, transitional employment services, transportation, and vehicle modifications for individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 - no max age and individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 3 - no max age. ​ ​ CT HCBS for Elders (0140.R07.00) Provides adult day health, care management, homemaker, personal care assistant, respite, adult family living, assisted living, assistive technology, bill payer, care transitions, chore, chronic disease self-management program, companion, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, mental health counseling, PERS, recovery assistant, transportation for aged individuals ages 65 - no max age ​ ​ CT Home and Community Supports Waiver for Persons with Autism (0993.R01.00) Provides live in companion, respite, assistive technology, clinical behavioral support services, community mentor, individual goods and services, interpreter, job coaching, life skills coach, non-medical transportation, personal emergency response system, social skills group, and specialized driving assessment for individuals with autism ages 3 – no max age. ​ ​ CT Individual and Family Support Waiver (0426.R03.00) Provides adult day health, blended supports, community companion homes, group day supports, individual supported employment, live-in companion, prevocational services, respite, independent support broker, assistive technology, behavioral support services, companion supports aka adult companion, continuous residential supports, customized employment supports, environmental modifications, group supported employment, health care coordination, individualized day supports, individualized home supports, individually directed goods and services, interpreter, nutrition, parenting support, peer support, personal emergency response system (PERS), personal support, remote supports services, senior supports, shared living, specialized medical equipment and supplies, training, counseling and support services for unpaid caregivers, transitional employment services, transportation, and vehicle modifications for individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 – no max age, and individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 3 – no max age. ​ ​ CT Katie Beckett Waiver (4110.R08.00) Provides case management to individuals with physical disabilities ages 0-22 ​ ​ CT Mental Health Waiver (0653.R03.00) Provides adult day health, community support program, supported employment, assisted living, assistive technology, brief episode stabilization, chore services, home accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, interpreter, mental health counseling, non-medical transportation, overnight recovery assistant, peer supports, personal emergency response systems, recovery assistant, specialized medical equipment, and transitional case management for individuals with mental illness ages 22 to no max age . ​ CT Personal Care Assistance (0301.R05.00) Provides adult day health, agency-based personal care assistant, care management, meals on wheels, adult family living, mental health counseling, personal emergency response system (PERS) for individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64. ​ ​ ​

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