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Care Managers Who Hide 1400 Agency Providers from you. ABI Waiver and MFP

Joe is a care manager for the MFP ABI Waiver program. Wanda, a person recovering from brain injury, is in need of home staffing and a conservator. Joe does not provide Wanda with the official approved agency provider list of approximately 1400 agency providers. Instead, Joe selects 3 agency providers that promote their care management agency and in order to reduce their personal workload. What is Joe doing wrong, and what may happen as a result

Read the following scenario and answer the following multiple-choice questions:

Joe is a care manager for the MFP ABI Waiver program. Wanda, a person recovering from brain injury, is in need of home staffing and a conservator. Joe does not provide Wanda with the official approved agency provider list of approximately 1400 agency providers. Instead, Joe selects 3 agency providers that promote their care management agency and in order to reduce their personal workload. What is Joe doing wrong, and what may happen as a result?

Multiple-Choice Questions:

What is Joe's job title?

a. Conservator

b. Agency Provider

c. Care Manager

d. Home Staffing Provider

What is Wanda in need of?

a. A conservator

b. Home staffing

c. A and B

d. None of the above

How many agency providers are on the official approved list?

a. 1400

b. 3

c. 10

d. None of the above

Why did Joe select 3 agency providers?

a. They were the cheapest option

b. They were the best option for Wanda

c. They promoted Joe's care management agency

d. A and C

What is the potential consequence of Joe not providing the official approved agency provider list?

a. Wanda may not receive the best care possible

b. Wanda may not receive any care at all

c. Joe may receive a bonus for reducing his workload

d. A and B

What should Joe have done instead of selecting the 3 agency providers?

a. Provided Wanda with the official approved agency provider list

b. Selected any 3 agency providers

c. Informed Wanda that she would need to find her own agency provider

d. None of the above


ABI Resources is a reputable organization that provides exceptional support to individuals and families in collaboration with various government agencies and community service providers, including the Connecticut Department of Social Services DSS, COU Community Options, the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services DMHAS, Connecticut Community Care CCC CCCI Southwestern Connecticut Area on Aging SWCAA, Western Connecticut Area on Aging WCAAA, Allied Community Resources ACR, Access Health, and United Services. ABI Resources collaborates care with renowned institutions such as HFSC, Gaylord, UCONN, Yale, and Hartford. As a community care and supported living provider, ABI Resources is dedicated to offering high-quality and personalized care to enhance the lives of those it serves. Medicaid MFP Money Follows the person program / ABI Waiver Program / PCA waiver.

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