CT NEWS: DSS / Care Management Consultant Services. ABI Waiver Consumers may request a new Care Manager consultant. DB.42.131.Inf.CT NEWS: DSS / Care Management Consultant Services. ABI Waiver Consumers may request a new Care Manager consultant.ABI Waiver Consumers may request a new Care Manager consultant.Any individual wishing to change their case care manager can initiate the process by directly contacting their current case manager. Alternatively, requests can be made through the access agency or by reaching out to a supervisor at the access agency. This flexible approach is designed to accommodate the preferences and needs of individuals, ensuring that they feel supported and understood throughout their journey within the Medicaid Acquired Brain Injury ABI Waiver Program.The Connecticut Department of Social Services ( CT DSS ) emphasizes that such requests will be accommodated based on the availability of case Care Managers.The Connecticut Department of Social Services ( CT DSS ) emphasizes that such requests will be accommodated based on the availability of case Care Managers. For more information on how to request a change of case manager, individuals are encouraged to reach out to their current Care Manager or access agency.ABI Resources Advocate News. Brain Injury Community of Connecticut BICC ABI RESOURCES CONNECTICUTCT DSS ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY ABI WAIVER AND MFP AGENCY PROVIDER.CT SUPPORTED LIVING AND COMMUNITY CARE LEADERS.BRAIN INJURY COMMUNITY OF CONNECTICUT BICCDISABILITY RIGHTS OF CONNECTICUT ADVOCATES
DB.42.131.Inf.CT NEWS: DSS / Care Management Consultant Services. ABI Waiver Consumers may request a new Care Manager consultant.ABI Waiver Consumers may request a new Care Manager consultant.Any individual wishing to change their case care manager can initiate the process by directly contacting their current case manager. Alternatively, requests can be made through the access agency or by reaching out to a supervisor at the access agency. This flexible approach is designed to accommodate the preferences and needs of individuals, ensuring that they feel supported and understood throughout their journey within the Medicaid Acquired Brain Injury ABI Waiver Program.The Connecticut Department of Social Services ( CT DSS ) emphasizes that such requests will be accommodated based on the availability of case Care Managers.The Connecticut Department of Social Services ( CT DSS ) emphasizes that such requests will be accommodated based on the availability of case Care Managers. For more information on how to request a change of case manager, individuals are encouraged to reach out to their current Care Manager or access agency.ABI Resources Advocate News. Brain Injury Community of Connecticut BICC ABI RESOURCES CONNECTICUTCT DSS ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY ABI WAIVER AND MFP AGENCY PROVIDER.CT SUPPORTED LIVING AND COMMUNITY CARE LEADERS.BRAIN INJURY COMMUNITY OF CONNECTICUT BICCDISABILITY RIGHTS OF CONNECTICUT ADVOCATES