Enhancing Ethical Systems / Advocating for Consumer Rights and "Request to change Care Manager Form"
ABI Resources received this correspondence from DSS COU in relation to our advocacy request letter:
"David- If an individual would like to change case managers, they are permitted to do so by contacting their current case manager, access agency, or supervisor at the access agency to request such a change. The request will be granted based on case manager availability."
ABI Resources is grateful for a response from DSS COU and has presented this advocacy request letter accordingly;
Enhancing Ethical Systems and Advocating for Consumer Rights
Dear [DSS and COU Representative],
I am writing on behalf of ABI Resources to address the challenges faced by our consumers when requesting a change of care managers. We understand that various factors, such as conflicts or other concerns, may prompt consumers to consider this change. Our organization is committed to advocating for consumer rights, and we request that DSS and COU collaborate with us to improve the current system for changing care managers.
Ethical Concerns in the Current Process:
The current process poses several ethical concerns, including:
• Fear of retaliation or negative consequences resulting from requesting a change.
• Uncertainty about the process and whom to contact for assistance.
• Concerns about the confidentiality of the request and potential breaches of privacy.
• Anxiety over potential disruptions in care and support services during the transition.
• Apprehension about establishing a new relationship with a different care manager.
• Worries that the new care manager may not understand or respect their individual needs and preferences.
Conflicts Arising from Case Manager Availability:
The DSS COU response statement, "The request will be granted based on case manager availability," may create conflicts and not align with the best interests of the individuals served. These conflicts include:
• Prioritizing agency interests over consumer needs.
• Restricting consumer choice.
• Inconsistency with person-centered care.
• Challenging self-advocacy.
• Potential for strained relationships.
We request that the system be revised to align with the principles of person-centered care, consumer choice, and individual rights.
Proposed Solutions:
We kindly request that DSS and COU work to implement transparent, effective and ethical systems for consumer self-advocacy. These may include:
• Developing easy-to-understand written materials and an online resource to document the request. Including a printable "Request to change Care Manager Form"
• Designating a dedicated neutral contact person within DSS / COU and not the Care Management access agency itself.
• Implementing regular training and education for care managers and relevant staff.
• Establishing transparent and accessible channels of communication.
• Regularly reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of the system.
• Developing a clear protocol for requesting care manager changes.
• Establishing a confidential reporting system.
• Ensuring all parties involved in the process are trained in effective communication, conflict resolution, and ethical conduct.
• Providing support and resources during the transition to a new care manager.
• Encouraging ongoing feedback from consumers.
Such a system would ideally offer transparency in terms of the decision-making processes, policies, and procedures that directly affect the consumers. Furthermore, it would provide them with easy access to relevant information, enabling them to make informed decisions and assert their rights and preferences.
Would you please provide some information on whether DSS COU will implement such a system? If so, what is the anticipated timeline for its rollout, and what steps are being taken to ensure its successful integration?
By working together, we can create a streamlined and accessible system, empowering our consumers to advocate for themselves during care manager changes. This will promote a positive and supportive relationship between consumers, care managers, and the wider service system.
We look forward to collaborating with you on this important matter.
Best regards,
ABI Resources
David Medeiros
Enhancing Ethical Systems / Advocating for Consumer Rights and "Request to change Care Manager Form"
I am writing on behalf of ABI Resources to address the challenges faced by our consumers when requesting a change of care managers. We understand that various factors, such as conflicts or other concerns, may prompt consumers to consider this change. Our organization is committed to advocating for consumer rights, and we request that DSS and COU collaborate with us to improve the current system for changing care managers.
care managers, process, consumers, self-advocacy, person-centered care, rights, conflicts, change, interests, individual, agency, availability, concerns, preferences, choice, support services, relationships, assertive, dominating personalities, confidentiality, retaliation, anxiety, transition, freedom, communication, needs, goals, planning, delivery, consumer-oriented, quality, principles, challenges, barriers, collaboration, system, revision, consumer choice, individual rights, training, education, resources, transparency, confidentiality, reporting, request, retaliation, support, regular review, accessibility, effectiveness, satisfaction, autonomy, wellbeing, assessment, improvements, concerns, feedback, implementation, assistance, service delivery, contact person, helpline, online platform, priorities, management, respect, understanding, collaboration, ethical conduct, communication channels, agency interests, consumer input, addressing concerns, continuity of care, dedicated contact, best interests, consumer concerns, care manager changes, self-advocacy process, person served.
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