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- Expert Brain Injury Support and Rehabilitation | ABI Resources
No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Umaarufu wa ABI Resources huko Connecticut ni ushahidi wa ubora wa utunzaji wao na kujitolea kwake kuhudumia mahitaji ya kibinafsi ya wateja. . Mfumo wa ABI Resources wa kuwasaidia watu kuishi maisha yao bora bila kuwawekea mtindo fulani wa maisha umewafanya kuwa shirika linaloheshimika na linalotafutwa sana huko Connecticut. Mojawapo ya sababu kuu ambazo wakala hutafutwa sana na kuheshimiwa huko Connecticut ni kwamba hawalazimishi mtindo fulani wa maisha kwa wateja wao. Badala yake, wanafanya kazi na kila mtu kuunda mpango unaolingana na mahitaji na malengo yao mahususi. Mbinu hii huruhusu wateja kuchunguza mambo yanayowavutia na matamanio yao na kukuza yaliyo bora zaidi ndani yao, iwe katika sanaa na muziki, ajira, usawa, lishe, ujuzi wa uhusiano, ujuzi wa usimamizi wa pesa, shughuli za maisha ya kila siku, na kusaidia kupanga kila sehemu maisha ya kujitegemea yenye afya. . Mtazamo wao wa matunzo kwa kweli ni kielelezo cha uga wa huduma za walemavu, kwani wanatanguliza matunzo ya kibinafsi na mazoea yanayotegemea ushahidi. Kwa kusasisha utafiti wa hivi punde na mbinu bora zaidi, wanaweza kutoa huduma bora na ya kiubunifu zaidi kwa wateja wao. Kujitolea huku kwa ubora na uvumbuzi kumewafanya kuwa kiongozi katika nyanja hii na kumewafanya waaminiwe na kuheshimiwa na jumuiya yao. Kwa kushirikiana na mashirika mengine, wanaweza kutoa huduma ya kina na yenye ufanisi iwezekanavyo, ikijumuisha maisha ya nyumbani na utunzaji wa jamii . . Kwa ujumla, kujitolea kwa ABI Resources kwa utunzaji wa kibinafsi, wa kina na kujitolea kwao kwa maendeleo ya wafanyikazi inayoendelea kumewaweka kando kama shirika linalotafutwa sana huko Connecticut. Kuzingatia kwao juu ya mazoea yanayotegemea ushahidi na utunzaji wa msingi wa jamii ni kielelezo kwa uwanja, na mafanikio yao katika kusaidia watu kuishi maisha yao bora ni msukumo wa kweli. . Umaarufu na sifa ya ABI Resources huko Connecticut ni ushahidi wa dhamira ya shirika isiyoyumbayumba katika kutoa huduma za ulemavu zilizobinafsishwa, za kina na zinazozingatia ushahidi. Kujitolea kwao kwa ubora kumewafanya waaminiwe na kuvutiwa na jamii na kuwafanya kuwa kiongozi katika uwanja wao. . ABI Resources ni shirika linaloheshimiwa ambalo lina utaalam wa kutoa usaidizi wa kipekee kwa watu binafsi na familia, likifanya kazi kwa ushirikiano na mashirika mbalimbali ya serikali na watoa huduma za jamii. Ushirikiano wetu ni pamoja na Idara ya Connecticut ya Huduma za Jamii (DSS), Kitengo cha Chaguo za Jamii (COU), Idara ya Connecticut ya Huduma za Afya ya Akili na Madawa ya Kulevya (DMHAS), Connecticut Community Care (CCC), Connecticut Community Choices (CCCI), Southwestern Connecticut Area. kuhusu Uzee (SWCAA), Eneo la Connecticut Magharibi kuhusu Uzee (WCAA), Rasilimali za Jumuiya ya Washirika (ACR), Upatikanaji wa Afya na Huduma za Umoja. . Tunajivunia kuratibu utunzaji na taasisi za hospitali zinazoheshimiwa kama vile HFSC, Gaylord, UCONN, Yale, na Hartford. Kama mtoa huduma aliyejitolea wa jamii na mtoa huduma hai anayesaidiwa, ABI Resources imejitolea kutoa huduma ya hali ya juu, ya kibinafsi inayolenga kuboresha maisha ya wale tunaowahudumia. Rasilimali za ABI - Mshirika Wako katika Utunzaji wa Jamii na Maisha Yanayotegemewa . Huduma zetu mbalimbali zinajumuisha Pesa ya Medicaid Inafuata Mpango wa Mtu (MFP) , Mpango wa Kuondoa ABI , na Uondoaji wa PCA. . . Wacha Tuzungumze
ABI RESOURCES SOCIAL GROUPS AND EVENTS CONNECTICUT FISHING L ACENSES Wavuvi walio na changamoto za kimwili au masuala ya uhamaji wanaweza kufikia baadhi ya uvuvi wa ubora wa juu katika maeneo mbalimbali kote jimboni. ANZA HAPA PITIA MAELEZO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Connect with a Certified Specialist who provides individual support and guidance for People, Family members, Caregivers, Educators, Medical and Therapeutic professionals.
- PCA Personal Care Assistant ( PCA ) BRAIN INJURY | ABI RESOURCES
CT PCA PERSONAL CARE CONNECTICUT ALLIED CT PCA PERSONAL CARE CONNECTICUT CT PCA PERSONAL CARE CONNECTICUT CT PCA PERSONAL CARE CONNECTICUT ALLIED 1/6 TUMA MAOMBI HAPA Mpango wa Mhudumu wa Huduma ya Kibinafsi (PCA) hutoa usaidizi wa utunzaji wa kibinafsi kwa watu wazima wenye umri wa miaka 18 hadi 64 ambao wana ulemavu wa kudumu, mbaya na wa kudumu. Madhumuni ya mpango huu ni kuruhusu watu binafsi kubaki katika nyumba zao badala ya kuhitaji kuanzishwa kwa taasisi, kama vile kuwekwa katika vituo vya utunzaji wa muda mrefu au nyumba za wazee. Mhudumu wa Huduma ya Kibinafsi ameajiriwa kusaidia katika kutekeleza shughuli za maisha ya kila siku (ADLs) na kuwezesha maisha ya nyumbani. Tafadhali kumbuka kuwa kuna orodha ya kusubiri kwa ajili ya kukubalika katika mpango huu. Kustahiki kwa programu ya PCA kunahusisha mchakato wa hatua mbili: Sehemu ya 1: Mastahiki ya kiutendaji inahitaji uonyeshe hitaji la huduma hizi. Hasa, lazima uonyeshe kuwa unahitaji usaidizi wa moja kwa moja katika kutekeleza angalau Shughuli tatu za msingi za Maisha ya Kila Siku (ADLs) zilizoorodheshwa hapa chini: . Kuoga Kuvaa Kula/Kulisha (bila kujumuisha maandalizi ya chakula) Choo (pamoja na kwenda/kutoka choo na kudumisha usafi) Kuhamisha (kuingia na kutoka kwa viti/kitanda kwa usalama) Usimamizi wa dawa Usaidizi wa kitabia (usimamizi wa kila siku ili kuzuia kujidhuru au kuwadhuru wengine) Sehemu ya 2: Ustahiki wa kifedha unahitaji kuwa umehitimu kupata Medicaid wakati unapopokea huduma. Ingawa hauitaji kufikia viwango vya kifedha vya Medicaid ukiwa kwenye orodha ya kungojea kwa PCA, lazima utume ombi na uhitimu kupata Medicaid wakati jina lako linapofikiwa kwenye orodha ya wanaosubiri. Wahudumu wa Utunzaji wa Kibinafsi, au PCAs, ni washiriki muhimu wa tasnia ya huduma ya afya. Wanatoa huduma ya nyumbani kwa watu binafsi wanaohitaji usaidizi wa shughuli za kila siku za maisha kama vile kuoga, kuvaa, na kuandaa chakula. PCAs hufanya kazi kwa karibu na wateja, kuwasaidia kudumisha uhuru wao na kuhakikisha maisha ya starehe. Nafasi nyingi za wasaidizi wa utunzaji wa kibinafsi zinapatikana kote nchini, zikitoa njia nzuri ya kazi kwa watu wenye huruma, subira, na waliojitolea. Ili kuwa msaidizi wa utunzaji wa kibinafsi, watahiniwa lazima wapitie mchakato wa mahojiano wa kina, uwezekano wa kupitisha uchunguzi wa dawa, na kuwasilisha wasifu. Kwa muhtasari, Wahudumu wa Huduma ya Kibinafsi ni wachangiaji muhimu kwa tasnia ya huduma ya afya, wakitoa huduma ya nyumbani kwa watu ambao wanahitaji usaidizi wa shughuli za kila siku za maisha. Kwa nafasi zinazopatikana kote nchini, kazi kama msaidizi wa utunzaji wa kibinafsi inaweza kuwa yenye thawabu kwa wale ambao wana huruma, subira, na waliojitolea kusaidia wengine. Wagombea wanaotarajiwa lazima washiriki katika mchakato wa mahojiano kamili, wapitishe uchunguzi wa dawa, na wawasilishe wasifu ili kuzingatiwa kwa jukumu hilo. . .
Neuropsychological Testing Services Neuropsychological testing is a way of examining brain function and cognitive abilities. Neuropsychological tests are an important part of an overall evaluati on because they provide an objective measure of an individual's strengths and w eaknesses. Neuropsychological assessmen t provides a systematic evaluation of cognitive abilities such as intelligence, memory, language, attention, problem-solving ability, visual-motor skills, sensorimotor abilities, personality/emotional functioning, and academic skills. A typical evaluation involves the administration of neuropsychological and psychological tests, a record review, and an interview with the patient, including a parent or other family member when available. Neuropsychological tests usually involve paper-and-pencil or computer-based measures. An evaluation takes from as few as one to two hours to as many as eight hours depending on the referral question. Evaluations are flexible and tailored to a specific referral question. The results of the evaluation are often the first step in developing an effective treatment or remedial plan. It is best to talk with your case manager and / or social worker, they have resources to assist and will help you identify an approved provider. This list is in no particular order. If you wish to be added to this list, please contact us. ABI Resources neither ensures the integrity and / or dependability of any provider nor recommends any individual listed on this website. This information is for public reference only. It is your responsibility to interview and screen potential providers and make educated decisions. Please keep in mind that there may be many providers that may not be found on this website. Some providers may not be accepting new clients at this time. It is best to talk with your case manager and / or social worker, they have resources to assist and will help you identify an approved provider. UCONN H EALTH Department of Psychiatry Connecticut Tower, 3rd Floor (Main Building Entrance) UConn John Dempsey Hospital 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT Phone Number: 1-860-679-5194 DAWA YALE Neuropsychology 333 Cedar St. New Haven, CT 06510 . Nambari ya Simu: 1-203-785-4086 CNS - Comprehensive Neuropsychological Services, P.C. 1095 South Main St. Cheshire, CT 06410 Phone Number: 1-203-271-3809 Kanusho: ABI Resources haihakikishi uadilifu na kutegemewa kwa mtoa huduma yeyote wala kupendekeza mtu yeyote aliyeorodheshwa kwenye tovuti hii. Habari hii ni ya kumbukumbu ya umma pekee. Ni wajibu wako kuwahoji na kuwachunguza watoa huduma wanaotarajiwa na kufanya maamuzi ya elimu. Tafadhali kumbuka kuwa kunaweza kuwa na Watoa Huduma nyingi za Tabia ya Utambuzi walioidhinishwa na huenda wasipatikane kwenye tovuti hii. Ni vyema kuzungumza na meneja wa kesi yako na/au mfanyakazi wa kijamii ili kusaidia kutambua mtoa huduma.
What is the MFP Program and what does it do? The MFP program helps a person with the funding and organization of moving out of a medical facility. It helps with setting up housing, necessities, medical equipment and temporary in home caregivers. MFP is a federal demonstration grant, received by the CT Department of Social Services from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. It was awarded to help rebalance the long-term care system so that individuals have the maximum independence and freedom of choice regarding where they live and receive care and services. The program builds on current programs by offering enhanced community services and support to those who have resided in nursing facilities for at least three months. Under MFP, CT will receive, for those transitioning back to the community, an enhanced Medicaid match of nine million dollars over five years, being reimbursed for 75 percent of costs for the first year back in the community instead of the customary 50 percent. This federal support is a financial incentive for Conn. to reduce the use of more expensive institutional care for Medicaid recipients. The approach is more cost-effective for taxpayers and is expected to lead to improved quality of life for older adults and people with physical and developmental disabilities and mental illness. People transitioning back into the community have the choice of where they want to live, whether it’s the person’s own home, a family member’s home, an apartment or congregate living. Goals of the MFP Increase dollars spent on home and community based services. Increase the percent of people receiving their long-term services in the community relative to those in institutions. Decrease the number of hospital discharges to nursing facilities for those requiring care after discharge. Increase the probability of people returning to the community within the first three months of admission to an institution Transition individuals out of institutions and back into the community Individualized care plans are created based on need. CCCI transition coordinators will provide one-to-one assistance with community supports, system navigation, accessing resources and living arrangements.
- ABI RESOURCES | ABOUT US | MFP ABI supported living / community care
ABI Resources is a leader in providing high-quality services for individuals recovering from brain injury, stroke, and TBI. Their team of experienced professionals are experts in their field and are dedicated to providing valuable guidance and support to help clients live and recover at home. With a strong reputation for providing excellent service and building long-term relationships, ABI Resources is committed to helping clients achieve their goals, fostering a sense of community and belonging, and supporting a positive and fulfilling life. They offer a wide range of services, including home-based supported living services and Connecticut community care, as well as being an agency provider for the MFP program and ABI waiver program. With statewide services, ABI Resources is able to help clients all over Connecticut. ABI Resources works with multiple organizations, including DSS, DMHAS, WWP, CCC, CCCI, SWCAA, WCAAA, Allied, Yale, UConn, Gaylord, HFSC, and more to provide the best care for individuals. ABI Resources’ commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive community for clients is well known. They offer a variety of team-building activities, social events, and volunteer opportunities to help clients stay engaged and connected with others. This not only helps clients recover from their injuries but also helps them build friendships, create social connections, and gain a sense of belonging. ABI Resources is also known for its commitment to building long-term relationships with clients. to ensure that clients receive the best possible care and support. This multidisciplinary approach to care is led by a team of brain injury recovery professionals who are dedicated to helping clients achieve independent life. They offer a range of services to support clients in their recovery. They work closely with clients to identify their individual needs and goals, and then develop a tailored plan to help them achieve those goals. This includes everything from supports with physical and occupational therapy to education and vocational training. One thing that makes ABI Resources amazing is our team of dedicated healthcare professionals. They are highly trained, compassionate, and committed to providing the best care to our clients. We believe that by valuing our employees and investing in their professional development, we can create a culture of excellence that will benefit everyone. We also understand the importance of providing personalized care plans tailored to each client's needs and goals. This ensures that our clients receive care tailored to their unique needs, which can lead to better outcomes and a more positive experience for everyone involved. Furthermore, we provide support and resources for families of clients, which can be very helpful in ensuring that the client receives the best possible care. In short, we are committed to providing high-quality, personalized care to our clients while valuing and investing in our employees. We believe that by doing so, we can create a culture of excellence that benefits everyone. As a home healthcare company, valuing both our clients and employees is essential to providing the highest quality of care and service. We understand that without the dedication and commitment of our employees, we would not be able to provide the level of care that our clients deserve. At the same time, we recognize that our clients are the reason for our existence, and their well-being is of the utmost importance. We are committed to creating an environment where our clients feel comfortable and respected and receive the best care possible. We strive to be a company that is not only respected for the quality of care we provide but also for the way we treat our clients and employees. We believe that by valuing both our clients and employees, we can create a culture of excellence that will benefit everyone. It's important to remember that a home healthcare company must be committed to providing its clients with the best possible care while treating its employees with respect and fairness. By doing so, we can create a positive environment where both clients and employees feel valued and respected, which will lead to better care outcomes and a more positive experience.
- Cooking Skills | Brain Injury Awareness CT MFP ABI Waiver
Cooking Skills Training Teaching individuals how to cook is one of the best things we can do to prepare them for independent living. These supports offer skills that will get us going in the kitchen! Cooking Counts! As life skills teachers, one of our most important focuses is preparing individuals for independent living. One aspect of this is teaching individuals to feed and care for themselves and others. Learning how to cook is especially important. When teaching individuals cooking skills, we teach them about nutrition, self-care, safety, and planning. These lessons give some activities that will get individuals excited about cooking well. Planning Activities Part of cooking is learning how to plan menus thoughtfully. The activities in our sections will help individuals understand how important planning can be for cooking. Dinners for a Week Individuals practice in groups for this activity. We give each group a set of cookbooks or recipe websites to work with. Life skills trainers consistently explain and plan a week's worth of dinners for themselves. Individuals should take dietary restrictions into account when relevant. After individuals have chosen recipes, they make shopping lists based on their selections, and then they research the approximate costs of the ingredients they need. We ask them to make at least three changes to their plans in the interest of saving money. Next, individuals look back at their menus again with an eye toward nutrition. Each group writes up the nutritional benefits as well as the deficits in their planning. Plan to be Healthy Individuals select a partner and come up with a day's worth of meals that involve cooking. They plan breakfast, lunch, dinner and one or two snacks. Each meal involves some amount of hands-on preparation. The key is the total food for the day overall should meet nutritional guidelines for their age and gender. Once individuals have come up with a solid plan, they share and discuss the challenges and surprises that might have come up. Cooking Activities Of course, as important as planning is, it is even more useful to get individuals involved in actual cooking. These activities are safe, helpful, and meaningful for individuals' development. There are numerous other independent living skills taught at ABI Resources. Some of the services include Planning for the future, Healthy Relationships, Living Well with a Disability, Positive Attitudes and Overcoming Barriers, Art Expression, and Money Management. These are just a few of the many supported living services that are available. If you or a loved one is interested in meeting with ABI Resources, we loved to talk with you.
- Housing Options and Assistance | For individuals living with TBI
Chaguzi za Makazi na Usaidizi Watu wanaoishi na ulemavu mara nyingi wanahitaji chaguzi za maisha za usaidizi. Chaguo sahihi inategemea mambo kadhaa, ikiwa ni pamoja na mahitaji ya msaada, gharama, na upendeleo wa kibinafsi. . ABI Resources inahudumia wale wanaotafuta nyumba za kuishi za kusaidiwa ili kushinda vizuizi viwili vikuu: kuchagua nyumba na kufikiria jinsi ya kulipia. . Chaguzi za Utunzaji kwa Watu Binafsi na Watu Wenye Ulemavu Kuna viwango vitatu vya kuishi kwa kusaidiwa: jumuiya zinazoishi zilizosaidiwa, jumuiya za kuishi zinazojitegemea, na utunzaji wa nyumbani. Utunzaji wa nyumbani huleta usaidizi wa kuishi kila siku nyumbani, kuishi kwa kujitegemea hutoa jamii yenye huduma rahisi na kuishi kwa kusaidiwa kunachanganya jamii ambayo hutoa huduma rahisi na usaidizi wa kazi za kila siku za kuishi. . Kuna stadi nyingine nyingi za kujitegemea zinazofundishwa katika Rasilimali za ABI. Baadhi ya huduma hizo ni pamoja na Kupanga kwa ajili ya siku za usoni, Mahusiano yenye Afya, Kuishi Vizuri na Ulemavu, Mtazamo Chanya na Kushinda Vikwazo, Maonyesho ya Sanaa na Usimamizi wa Pesa. Hizi ni baadhi tu ya huduma nyingi za kuishi zinazoungwa mkono ambazo zinapatikana. Ikiwa wewe au mpendwa angependa kukutana na ABI Resources, tulipenda kuzungumza nawe.