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MAKE AN ONLINE REFERRAL Short-Term / Long-Term Home Care and Rehabilitation STATEWIDE SERVICES HelpLine 1-860-942-0365 Connect with a Certified Specialist who provides individual support and guidance for People, Family members, Caregivers, Educators, and Medical and Therapeutic professionals. Fomu ya Marejeleo ya Mtandaoni
Ni dhamira yetu kusaidia mahitaji ya watu wanaohangaika na kutoa suluhu za kweli zinazokuza maisha ya furaha na afya. . Nambari ya usaidizi 860 942-0365 . Huduma za Mpango wa Usaidizi wa Kielimu wa ABI Resources zinaendelea kuongoza njia kwa wanafunzi, familia, walimu na wataalamu wa matibabu ambao huenda wanatatizika na changamoto za kiafya. Tunasaidia kutambua, kutetea na kuwasiliana na mahitaji ya mtu, kwa mtu, familia na shule. Tunafanya kazi kwa karibu na mtu huyo, familia, na walimu pamoja na watoa huduma za matibabu na matibabu. Msingi wa ukuaji wa furaha na mafanikio wa utoto unategemea mawasiliano wazi na uelewa wa huruma wa wote wanaohusika.
- CT NEWS | MFP and ABI Waiver Program | ABI RESOURCES
Nini kila mtu anapaswa kujua kuhusu MFP ya Connecticut na Mpango wa Kuondoa ABI.
PAKUA MWISHO BILA MALIPO! Upande wa Giza ya Kusaidiwa Kuishi "Wasichotaka Ujue" WHERE SHOULD I SEND YOUR FREE PLAYBOOK? First Name Last Name Email SEND ME THE FREE EBOOK! Click here to download
abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial 1/2 Teaching Self-care takes many forms and is a crucial piece of mental wellness. Checking your feelings during and after a self-care activity ca n help you know what works well for you. Some activities are nourishing, depending on how you are feeling that day. Here are eight types of self-care and examples to consider: PHYS ICAL SE LF-CARE Self-care has to do with fe eling physically well and maintaining physical health. • Sleep or rest • Stretching, walking, or exercise that feels good • Keeping medical appointments • Healthy food • Fresh air EMOTIONAL SELF-CARE Self-care involves attending to your emotions, finding empathy and self-compassion, and seeking help when needed. • Journal or talk it out • Stress management • Listen to or make music/art • Self-compassion • Counseling SOCIAL SELF-CARE Self-care has to do with a healthy family and social relationships. • Time with others (in person or virtually) • Healthy Boundaries • Balancing alone time and social time (or small groups and large groups) • Positive social media • Asking for help SPIRITUAL SELF-CARE Self-care has to do with religious beliefs or spirituality. • Connection • Prayer or meditation • Reflection • Attending worship services or groups (if applicable) • Nature PERSONAL SELF-CARE Self-care has to do with knowing and honoring yourself and what you enjoy. • Listening to yourself (getting out of autopilot) • Hobbies • Treating yourself • Trying something new • Getting to know yourself HOME ENVIRONMENT SELF-CARE Self-care involves maintaining a safe, functional, and comfortable home environment. • Safety • Security and stability • Cleaning and organizing (whatever that means for you) • Comfy space • Healthy living environment FINANCIAL SELF-CARE Self-care has to do with maintaining your financial goals and obligations. • Money management and budgeting • Saving • Seeking help or information • “Fun” money • Paying bills WORK, SCHOOL, CAREGIVING, OR OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES Self-care has to do with attending to your needs in the realms of work, school, caregiving, or other responsibilities. • Time management • Feeling productive and valued • Learning and developing skills (and seeking help when needed) • Healthy work boundaries and communication • Break time
- Homemaker Companion Agency | Local Connecticut Care Aide
CONNECTICUT HOMEMAKER COMPANION CT COMMUNITY CARE SUPPORTED LIVING JOBS EMPLOYMENT ABI RE CONNECTICUT HOMEMAKER COMPANION CT COMMUNITY CARE SUPPORTED LIVING JOBS EMPLOYMENT ABI RE CONNECTICUT HOMEMAKER COMPANION CT COMMUNITY CARE SUPPORTED LIVING JOBS EMPLOYMENT ABI RE CONNECTICUT HOMEMAKER COMPANION CT COMMUNITY CARE SUPPORTED LIVING JOBS EMPLOYMENT ABI RE 1/4 TUMA MAOMBI HAPA Huduma za Wafanyabiashara wa Nyumbani Kufulia Utupu Kutupa vumbi Kubadilisha kitani Kuosha vyombo Kuosha sakafu . ABI Resources inafanya kazi na mashirika mengi, ikiwa ni pamoja na DSS, DMHAS, WWP, CCC, CCCI, SWCAA, WCAAA, Allied, Yale, UConn, Gaylord, HFSC, na zaidi ili kutoa huduma bora kwa watu binafsi. . Kujitolea kwa ABI Resources kuunda jumuiya inayojumuisha na kusaidia wateja kunajulikana sana. Wanatoa aina mbalimbali za shughuli za ujenzi wa timu, matukio ya kijamii, na fursa za kujitolea ili kuwasaidia wateja kuendelea kujishughulisha na kuunganishwa na wengine. Hii sio tu inasaidia wateja kupona kutokana na majeraha yao lakini pia huwasaidia kujenga urafiki, kuunda miunganisho ya kijamii, na kupata hisia ya kuhusika. . .
LALA NA TBI Usingizi ni muhimu kwa kupona jeraha la ubongo kwa sababu huruhusu ubongo kupumzika na kupona. Wakati wa usingizi, ubongo unaweza kutengeneza na kuzalisha upya seli, na pia huunganisha kumbukumbu na kuchakata taarifa mpya. . Ukosefu wa usingizi unaweza kuwa na athari mbaya juu ya kazi ya ubongo na inaweza kuzuia kupona kutokana na jeraha la ubongo. Kunyimwa usingizi kunaweza kudhoofisha utendakazi wa utambuzi, kama vile kumbukumbu, umakini, na uwezo wa kutatua matatizo, na kunaweza pia kuathiri hali na udhibiti wa kihisia. . Zaidi ya hayo, usingizi ni muhimu kwa afya ya jumla ya mwili na ustawi. Inasaidia kudhibiti mfumo wa kinga, kudumisha afya ya kimwili, na kusaidia ukuaji na maendeleo sahihi. . Kwa hivyo, ni muhimu kwa watu walio na jeraha la ubongo kutanguliza kulala vya kutosha ili kusaidia mchakato wao wa kupona. Hili linaweza kuhusisha kuanzisha utaratibu thabiti wa kulala, kuunda mazingira mazuri ya kulala, na kutafuta matibabu kwa masuala yoyote yanayohusiana na usingizi. Je, unatatizika kulala usiku? Au ugumu wa kulala usiku kucha? Inaweza kuwa vigumu kujua wakati wa kutafuta usaidizi au wakati unaweza kuwa na ugonjwa wa usingizi unaohitaji matibabu. Soma maswali ya tathmini ya usingizi hapa chini ili kubaini ikiwa kutembelea mtaalamu wa usingizi ndilo chaguo lako bora zaidi. Je, una maumivu ya kichwa asubuhi? Je, huwezi kwenda kulala na kulala usingizi usiku? Je, umeambiwa kuwa unakoroma kila mara au mara kwa mara unaacha kupumua unapolala? Je, unatatizika kuzingatia au kusinzia wakati kwa ujumla unapaswa kuwa macho na macho? Je, unapata hisia "ya kutisha au kutambaa" kwenye miguu au mikono yako ukiwa macho au umepumzika? Ikiwa umejibu "ndiyo" kwa swali lolote kati ya haya, zungumza na mtoa huduma wako wa msingi ili kupokea tathmini ya awali ya usingizi. . .
What is the MFP Program and what does it do? The MFP program helps a person with the funding and organization of moving out of a medical facility. It helps with setting up housing, necessities, medical equipment and temporary in home caregivers. MFP is a federal demonstration grant, received by the CT Department of Social Services from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. It was awarded to help rebalance the long-term care system so that individuals have the maximum independence and freedom of choice regarding where they live and receive care and services. The program builds on current programs by offering enhanced community services and support to those who have resided in nursing facilities for at least three months. Under MFP, CT will receive, for those transitioning back to the community, an enhanced Medicaid match of nine million dollars over five years, being reimbursed for 75 percent of costs for the first year back in the community instead of the customary 50 percent. This federal support is a financial incentive for Conn. to reduce the use of more expensive institutional care for Medicaid recipients. The approach is more cost-effective for taxpayers and is expected to lead to improved quality of life for older adults and people with physical and developmental disabilities and mental illness. People transitioning back into the community have the choice of where they want to live, whether it’s the person’s own home, a family member’s home, an apartment or congregate living. Goals of the MFP Increase dollars spent on home and community based services. Increase the percent of people receiving their long-term services in the community relative to those in institutions. Decrease the number of hospital discharges to nursing facilities for those requiring care after discharge. Increase the probability of people returning to the community within the first three months of admission to an institution Transition individuals out of institutions and back into the community Individualized care plans are created based on need. CCCI transition coordinators will provide one-to-one assistance with community supports, system navigation, accessing resources and living arrangements.
- DSP Direct Support Professional | CT Brain Injury Employment
- CT DSS | Middletown Office | 1-855-626-6632 | ABI RESOURCES | Connecticut DSS
Anwani ya Idara ya Huduma za Jamii ya Connecticut. Ofisi ya uwanja wa Middletown 2081 South Main Street, Suite B Middletown, CT 06457 Ofisi za Shamba za DSS na Kituo cha Manufaa chenye wafanyakazi ( 1-855-626-6632 ) zimefunguliwa Jumatatu, Jumanne, Alhamisi na Ijumaa, kuanzia saa 8:00 asubuhi hadi 4:30 jioni (imefungwa Jumatano). Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources 1/13 Bridgeport Hartford Manchester Middletown New Britain New Haven Norwich Torrington Stamford Waterbury Willimantic . Mpango wa MFP Mpango wa kuondolewa kwa ABI Huduma za afya Msaada wa kifedha Vigezo vya kustahiki Mchakato wa kurejesha faida Kukatizwa kwa huduma Msaada wa matibabu Msaada wa chakula Msaada wa pesa Omba faida Angalia ustahiki Akaunti yangu Maelezo ya manufaa ya DSS Huduma za kijamii Programu za usaidizi wa umma Manufaa ya serikali. . ABI RESOURCES CONNECTICUT CT DSS ILIYOPATIWA JERUHI UBONGO ABI WAIVER NA MTOA SHIRIKA LA MFP. CT ILISAIDIA VIONGOZI WA MAISHI NA UTUNZAJI WA JAMII. KUJERUHI UBONGO JUMUIYA YA CONNECTICUT BICC HAKI ZA ULEMAVU ZA MAWAKILI WAHUSIANO .
RELATIONSHIPS CHALLENGES. It is important to care for oneself because neglecting one's own well-being can lead to negative consequences, such as physical and emotional exhaustion, burnout, and a negative impact on relationships and overall quality of life. Self-care includes activities that promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being, such as exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and having a social support system. When individuals take care of themselves, they are better able to handle the demands and pressures of life, and they are more able to support and care for others. Additionally, self-care can help to prevent or alleviate the development of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Therefore, individuals need to make self-care a priority in order to maintain overall well-being. Brain injury can significantly impact relationships, causing couples physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges. Memory loss, difficulty with communication, physical changes, and emotional changes can all strain the relationship and make it difficult for the couple to connect. Caregiving responsibilities can also be overwhelming, leading to feelings of burnout or resentment. Counseling can provide support and guidance for both the injured person and their loved one to navigate these challenges and find ways to maintain their relationship and intimacy. It can also help the loved one understand the changes in their loved one, navigate practical aspects of caregiving and take care of their well-being. Overall, counseling is an important step in helping couples cope with the aftermath of a brain injury. A counselor can help a couple navigate the challenges that arise after a brain injury by providing support, guidance, and practical strategies for coping. They can help the injured person and their loved one understand the changes that have occurred due to the brain injury, and provide them with tools for communicating and interacting with one another. Additionally, a counselor can provide guidance on navigating the practical aspects of caregiving, such as managing finances, coordinating medical appointments, and dealing with legal and insurance issues. They can also provide support and coping strategies for the loved one, who may face significant emotional and physical challenges due to their role as a caregiver. Furthermore, they can help the couple adapt to the new circumstances and find ways to maintain the relationship and intimacy despite the challenges caused by the brain injury. Brain injury can cause a wide range of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms that can create problems for couples. Memory loss, difficulty with communication, physical changes, and emotional changes can all strain the relationship and make it difficult for the couple to connect. Caregiving responsibilities can be overwhelming and lead to feelings of burnout or resentment. Counseling can provide support and guidance for both the injured person and their loved one to navigate these challenges and find ways to maintain their relationship and intimacy. Counseling can help the loved one understand the changes in their loved one and how to communicate best and interact with them. It can also provide guidance on how to navigate the practical aspects of caregiving and help the loved one take care of their well-being. Overall, counseling is essential in helping couples cope with the aftermath of a brain injury. Brain injury relationship challenges ABI RESOURCES CT HOME CARE SUPPORTED LIVING COMMUNITY CARE MFP Brain injury relationship challenges ABI RESOURCES CT HOME CARE SUPPORTED LIVING COMMUNITY CARE MFP Brain injury relationship challenges ABI RESOURCES CT HOME CARE SUPPORTED LIVING COMMUNITY CARE MFP Brain injury relationship challenges ABI RESOURCES CT HOME CARE SUPPORTED LIVING COMMUNITY CARE MFP 1/17 Tafuta Mtaalamu