社区优先选择 CFC 计划申请流程的资源。
您或您所爱的人是否居住在社区中并需要帮助才能继续居住? 《平价医疗法案》创建了一项可选的州计划服务,允许符合条件的个人通过自我指导获得个人护理 (PCA) 和其他服务和支持。这称为社区优先选择 (CFC)。
点击下面的按钮提交 CFC 在线申请。如需帮助或通过电话完成申请:请在周一至周五上午 8:30 至下午 5:00 之间拨打 2-1-1 - 选择选项 3
To complete an application by phone: please dial 2-1-1 between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday - Choose Option 3
What is Community First Choice?
Community First Choice (CFC) is a new program in Connecticut offered to active Medicaid members as part of the Affordable Care Act. This program allows individuals to receive support and services in their homes. These services can include—but are not limited to—help to prepare meals and do household chores, and assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, transferring, etc.). Educational services will be available to help you increase your independence, and learn how to manage your in-home staff.
Who is eligible?
CFC is open to any Medicaid member that can self-direct services and meets the Institutional Level of Care. Institutional Level of Care means you would likely need to be in an institution, such as a nursing home if you did not have a home and community-based services. This program allows an eligible person to have care and support in their home.
What is self-direction? Can I have help with my self-direction?
Self-direction is when you, or someone you appoint, make the decisions regarding your care and services. You have control over what services you want in the home, and you have the responsibility of managing those services. Self-direction promotes personal choice and control during a person-centered planning process. If you have a Conservator or someone acting with Power of Attorney (POA), they can help you self-direct.
Whom can I hire?
If you enroll in CFC, you will be able to hire from a pool of qualified staff. You can hire certain family members and friends. You will set the hiring requirements for each of your staff. Can I hire any family members?
In most cases, yes! There are some exclusions, which you can discuss with the Care Manager assigned to you.
Will criminal background checks be completed?
Yes, the State of CT is committed to allowing you to choose whom you hire. We also want that to be a well-informed choice. You will receive background check information on all staff you want to hire.
Where can I get care?
Care is provided in your home. You can also use staff to go out for community activities, doctor’s appointments, and errands.
How does this affect me if I am currently on a waiver?
Any individuals currently on a waiver will remain on that waiver. If you use self-directed Personal Care Assistants (PCA) on your waiver, you will automatically become a CFC participant for the covered services. Additional information will be provided by your Waiver Care Manager.
How does this affect me if I am on the PCA Waiver waitlist?
If you are on the PCA waitlist and are active on Medicaid, you can apply for CFC.