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ABI Resources 为那些寻找辅助生活之家的人们提供服务,以克服两个主要障碍:选择房子和弄清楚如何支付费用。



ABI Resources 还教授许多其他独立生活技能。其中一些服务包括规划未来、健康关系、残障人士生活、积极态度和克服障碍、艺术表达和资金管理。这些只是众多支持性生活服务中的一小部分。如果您或您所爱的人有兴趣与 ABI Resources 会面,我们很乐意与您交谈。

Public Housing Connecticut Online Application Authority Connecticut Public Housing Agencies CT MFP A
Public Housing Connecticut Online Application Authority Connecticut Public Housing Agencies CT MFP A
Public Housing Connecticut Online Application Authority Connecticut Public Housing Agencies CT MFP A
Public Housing Connecticut Online Application Authority Connecticut Public Housing Agencies CT MFP A
Public Housing Connecticut Online Application Authority Connecticut Public Housing Agencies CT MFP A
Public Housing Connecticut Online Application Authority Connecticut Public Housing Agencies CT MFP A
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