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- Expert Brain Injury Support and Rehabilitation | ABI Resources
此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。 ABI Resources 在康涅狄格州的受欢迎程度证明了其服务质量以及其满足客户个性化需求的承诺。 ABI Resources 的系统可以帮助人们过上最好的生活,而不会强加某种生活方式,这使他们成为康涅狄格州备受尊敬和追捧的组织。该机构在康涅狄格州如此受欢迎和尊重的主要原因之一是他们不会强迫客户过上某种生活方式。相反,他们与每个人合作,制定适合他们特定需求和目标的计划。这种方法使客户能够探索他们的兴趣和激情,并放大他们最好的一面,无论是在艺术和音乐、就业、健身、营养、人际关系技巧、理财技巧、日常生活活动方面,还是帮助组织独立健康生活的每个部分。 他们的护理方法确实是残疾人服务领域的典范,因为他们优先考虑个性化护理和循证实践。通过掌握最新研究和最佳实践,他们能够为客户提供最有效和最具创新性的护理。对卓越和创新的承诺使他们成为该领域的领导者,并赢得了社区的信任和尊重。通过与其他组织合作,他们能够提供最全面、最有效的护理,包括家庭支持生活和社区护理 。 总体而言,ABI Resources 致力于个性化、全面的护理,并致力于持续的员工发展,这使他们成为康涅狄格州备受追捧的组织。他们对循证实践和社区护理的关注是该领域的典范,他们在帮助个人过上最好的生活方面的成功令人鼓舞。 ABI Resources 在康涅狄格州的知名度和声誉证明了该组织对提供个性化、全面和基于证据的残疾服务的坚定承诺。他们对卓越的奉献精神赢得了社区的信任和钦佩,并使其成为该领域的领导者。 ABI Resources 是一家备受尊敬的组织,专门为个人和家庭提供卓越的支持,与各种政府机构和社区服务提供商合作。我们的合作伙伴包括康涅狄格州社会服务部 (DSS)、社区选择部门 (COU)、康涅狄格州心理健康和成瘾服务部 (DMHAS)、康涅狄格州社区护理 (CCC)、康涅狄格州社区选择 (CCCI)、康涅狄格州西南老龄化地区 (SWCAA)、康涅狄格州西部老龄化地区 (WCAAA)、联合 社区资源 (ACR)、Access Health 和联合服务。 我们很荣幸能与 HFSC、Gaylord、UCONN、Yale 和 Hartford 等知名医院机构协调护理。作为一家专注的社区护理和支持生活提供商,ABI Resources 致力于提供高质量、个性化的护理,旨在改善我们服务对象的生活。ABI Resources - 您的社区护理和支持生活 合作伙伴。我们的服务范围包括 Medicaid 钱随人走(MFP) 计划 、 ABI 豁免计划 和 PCA 豁免。 让我们谈谈
ABI RESOURCES SOCIAL GROUPS AND EVENTS 免费康涅狄格州钓鱼 许可证 身体有障碍或行动不便的钓鱼者可以在该州各地享受高质量的钓鱼体验。 从这里开始 通行证信息 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Connect with a Certified Specialist who provides individual support and guidance for People, Family members, Caregivers, Educators, Medical and Therapeutic professionals.
Neuropsychological Testing Services Neuropsychological testing is a way of examining brain function and cognitive abilities. Neuropsychological tests are an important part of an overall evaluati on because they provide an objective measure of an individual's strengths and w eaknesses. Neuropsychological assessmen t provides a systematic evaluation of cognitive abilities such as intelligence, memory, language, attention, problem-solving ability, visual-motor skills, sensorimotor abilities, personality/emotional functioning, and academic skills. A typical evaluation involves the administration of neuropsychological and psychological tests, a record review, and an interview with the patient, including a parent or other family member when available. Neuropsychological tests usually involve paper-and-pencil or computer-based measures. An evaluation takes from as few as one to two hours to as many as eight hours depending on the referral question. Evaluations are flexible and tailored to a specific referral question. The results of the evaluation are often the first step in developing an effective treatment or remedial plan. It is best to talk with your case manager and / or social worker, they have resources to assist and will help you identify an approved provider. This list is in no particular order. If you wish to be added to this list, please contact us. ABI Resources neither ensures the integrity and / or dependability of any provider nor recommends any individual listed on this website. This information is for public reference only. It is your responsibility to interview and screen potential providers and make educated decisions. Please keep in mind that there may be many providers that may not be found on this website. Some providers may not be accepting new clients at this time. It is best to talk with your case manager and / or social worker, they have resources to assist and will help you identify an approved provider. UCONN H EALTH Department of Psychiatry Connecticut Tower, 3rd Floor (Main Building Entrance) UConn John Dempsey Hospital 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT Phone Number: 1-860-679-5194 YALE MEDICINE Neuropsychology 333 Cedar St. New Haven, CT 06510 Phone Number: 1-203-785-4086 CNS - Comprehensive Neuropsychological Services, P.C. 1095 South Main St. Cheshire, CT 06410 Phone Number: 1-203-271-3809 免责声明: ABI Resources 既不保证任何提供商的诚信和可靠性,也不推荐本网站上列出的任何个人。此信息仅供公众参考。您有责任面试和筛选潜在提供商并做出明智的决定。请记住,可能有许多 ABI 豁免计划批准的认知行为提供商可能无法在本网站上找到。最好与您的案件经理和/或社会工作者交谈,以帮助确定提供商。
- ABI RESOURCES | ABOUT US | MFP ABI supported living / community care
ABI Resources 是为脑损伤、中风和 TBI 康复患者提供高质量服务的领导者。他们的经验丰富的专业团队是各自领域的专家,致力于提供宝贵的指导和支持,帮助客户在家中生活和康复。ABI Resources 以提供优质服务和建立长期关系而享有盛誉,致力于帮助客户实现目标,培养社区意识和归属感,并支持积极充实的生活。他们提供广泛的服务,包括家庭支持生活服务和康涅狄格州社区护理,同时也是 MFP 计划和 ABI 豁免计划的代理提供商。凭借全州服务,ABI Resources 能够为康涅狄格州各地的客户提供帮助。 ABI Resources 与多个组织合作,包括 DSS、DMHAS、WWP、CCC、CCCI、SWCAA、WCAAA、Allied、Yale、UConn、Gaylord、HFSC 等,为个人提供最好的护理。 ABI Resources 致力于为客户打造一个包容且互助的社区,这一点众所周知。他们提供各种团队建设活动、社交活动和志愿者机会,帮助客户保持参与和与他人的联系。这不仅有助于客户从伤病中恢复,还有助于他们建立友谊、建立社会联系并获得归属感。 ABI Resources 还因其致力于与客户建立长期关系而闻名。以确保客户得到最好的护理和支持。这种多学科护理方法由一支脑损伤康复专业人员团队领导,他们致力于帮助客户实现独立生活。他们提供一系列服务来支持客户的康复。他们与客户密切合作,确定他们的个人需求和目标,然后制定量身定制的计划来帮助他们实现这些目标。这包括从物理和职业治疗支持到教育和职业培训的一切。 ABI Resources 的一大亮点是我们的医疗专业团队。他们训练有素、富有同情心,致力于为我们的客户提供最好的护理。我们相信,通过重视员工并投资于他们的职业发展,我们可以创造一种让每个人都受益的卓越文化。 我们还了解根据每位客户的需求和目标提供个性化护理计划的重要性。这确保我们的客户获得根据其独特需求量身定制的护理,从而为所有相关人员带来更好的结果和更积极的体验。 此外,我们还为客户的家人提供支持和资源,这对于确保客户得到最好的照顾非常有帮助。 简而言之,我们致力于为客户提供高质量、个性化的服务,同时重视和投资员工。我们相信,通过这样做,我们可以创造一种让每个人都受益的卓越文化。 作为一家家庭医疗保健公司,重视客户和员工对于提供最高质量的护理和服务至关重要。我们明白,如果没有员工的奉献和承诺,我们将无法为客户提供应得的护理水平。 同时,我们认识到客户是我们存在的理由,他们的幸福是最重要的。我们致力于创造一个让客户感到舒适和受尊重的环境,并尽可能得到最好的照顾。 我们努力成为一家不仅因我们提供的护理质量而受人尊敬的公司,而且因我们对待客户和员工的方式而受人尊敬的公司。我们相信,通过重视我们的客户和员工,我们可以创造一种让每个人都受益的卓越文化。 重要的是要记住,家庭医疗保健公司必须致力于为客户提供尽可能最好的护理,同时尊重和公平地对待员工。通过这样做,我们可以创造一个积极的环境,让客户和员工都感到被重视和尊重,这将带来更好的护理结果和更积极的体验。
- Cooking Skills | Brain Injury Awareness CT MFP ABI Waiver
Cooking Skills Training Teaching individuals how to cook is one of the best things we can do to prepare them for independent living. These supports offer skills that will get us going in the kitchen! Cooking Counts! As life skills teachers, one of our most important focuses is preparing individuals for independent living. One aspect of this is teaching individuals to feed and care for themselves and others. Learning how to cook is especially important. When teaching individuals cooking skills, we teach them about nutrition, self-care, safety, and planning. These lessons give some activities that will get individuals excited about cooking well. Planning Activities Part of cooking is learning how to plan menus thoughtfully. The activities in our sections will help individuals understand how important planning can be for cooking. Dinners for a Week Individuals practice in groups for this activity. We give each group a set of cookbooks or recipe websites to work with. Life skills trainers consistently explain and plan a week's worth of dinners for themselves. Individuals should take dietary restrictions into account when relevant. After individuals have chosen recipes, they make shopping lists based on their selections, and then they research the approximate costs of the ingredients they need. We ask them to make at least three changes to their plans in the interest of saving money. Next, individuals look back at their menus again with an eye toward nutrition. Each group writes up the nutritional benefits as well as the deficits in their planning. Plan to be Healthy Individuals select a partner and come up with a day's worth of meals that involve cooking. They plan breakfast, lunch, dinner and one or two snacks. Each meal involves some amount of hands-on preparation. The key is the total food for the day overall should meet nutritional guidelines for their age and gender. Once individuals have come up with a solid plan, they share and discuss the challenges and surprises that might have come up. Cooking Activities Of course, as important as planning is, it is even more useful to get individuals involved in actual cooking. These activities are safe, helpful, and meaningful for individuals' development. There are numerous other independent living skills taught at ABI Resources. Some of the services include Planning for the future, Healthy Relationships, Living Well with a Disability, Positive Attitudes and Overcoming Barriers, Art Expression, and Money Management. These are just a few of the many supported living services that are available. If you or a loved one is interested in meeting with ABI Resources, we loved to talk with you.
- Housing Options and Assistance | For individuals living with TBI
住房选择和援助 残障人士通常需要支持性生活选择。正确的选择取决于多种因素,包括支持需求、费用和个人偏好。 ABI Resources 为那些寻找辅助生活之家的人们提供服务,以克服两个主要障碍:选择房子和弄清楚如何支付费用。 个人和残障人士的护理选择 辅助生活有三个层次:辅助生活社区、独立生活社区和家庭护理。家庭护理为家庭提供日常生活协助,独立生活提供便利设施的社区,辅助生活结合了提供便利设施和日常生活任务支持的社区。 ABI Resources 还教授许多其他独立生活技能。其中一些服务包括规划未来、健康关系、残障人士生活、积极态度和克服障碍、艺术表达和资金管理。这些只是众多支持性生活服务中的一小部分。如果您或您所爱的人有兴趣与 ABI Resources 会面,我们很乐意与您交谈。